The clown got out of the portal figuring out that they are not at the circus. Raven got mad at the mouse. They where so loud that they got kidnap by indian. The farmers got out of the portal they were panicking they didnt know what to do. Then a guy come out. Running around looking dumb. He present himself is name is indifatajones. Indianna jones is his distan distan distan cousin. The farmers tell him there story and how they end up here. They told him they where looking for an golden egg. He then started to blabber about a prophecy. He told them to follow him. One of the farmers didnt think it was a good idea to follow him. It was either they die or follow a perfect stranger. They opted for following a stranger. Meanwhile the clown get brought to the indian camp. They see the golden egg who was in Raven's hand. The leader starts talking about the profecy and the indian take the egg away and put the clown in cages. Then indifatajones leads them ti the indian because he is not bright. They get caught. They decide to sacrafice Goliath because he's the tallest. Then they ask him if he as any last words. "I CAN'T STOP THIS FEELING DEEP IN SIDE OF ME" then everybody continues to sing along. Then the mouse comes out of nowgere and free the two remaining clowns. Then indi tell the farmers that he found a key two days ago and he just remeber now. The farmer were really mad at him. The mouse take the egg and then the indian realise he aint a god. So the farmer and clown are fighting the indian. Then out of nowhere this dragon come out. He take the egg and say im taking this back to Howgarts. Without thinking the clown jumps in the portal head first. Then the farmer but indifata... say that the portal is in another direction. So he leaves the other are like this way and now they are all heading for howgarts.
the farmers adventure
AventuraSo this story is about two gangs fighting for a golden egg This is a thematique from Pincourt Day camp bc we are cool we will shre with you cause sharing is caring.