Chapter 46 Gryffindor VS Ravenclaw

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  Chapter 46
(Year Three) 

So Hermione's and Ron's friendship maybe over and i feel awful for Hermione and Wood told us Ravenclaw's seeker is a girl named Cho Chang she's in her fourth year i don't know any more than that but today is the day of the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw match! and i'm wearing my robes and i met the boy's of the team at the bottom of the stairs we all went to the Grate Hall. when we arrived everyone was looking at mine and Harry's Firebolt everyone was whispering excitedly but the Slytherin's face's were priceless i just wish i had a camera
"Did you see his face?" said Ron when we sat down "He can't believe it This is brilliant!" i look behind me and stick out my tongue at him he glared at me and i did a innocent smile and i turn back to the team Wood has suggested me and Harry put our brooms on the table and we did so. people from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff ame to see our Firebolts and Cedric diggory came over too and congratulated me and Harry my Stomach did a flip flop as he did so i have no idea whats going on when he get's near by. and Percy's girlfriend from Ravenclaw came too she asked if she could hold Harry's broom "Now, now, Penny, no sabotage!" said Percy heartily as she examined Harry's broom closely. "Penelope and i have got a bet on," he told us. "Ten Galleons on the outcome of the match!"
Percy's girlfriend put the broom back down, thanked Harry, and went back to her table since she's a Ravenclaw. "Harry - make sure you win," whispered Percy to Harry "I haven't got ten Galleons. Yes, i'm coming Penny!" and Percy went off to join his girlfriend "Sure you can manage that broom, Potter?" said a cold voice i know anywhere it was Malfoy of course "Yeah, reckon so," said Harry casually. "Got plenty of special features, hasn't it?" said Malfoy i'm starting to get annoyed now. "Shame it doesn't come with a parachute - in case you get too near a dementor."
Crabb and Goyle sniggered "Pity you can't attach an extra arm to yours, Malfoy," said Harry. "The it could catch the Snitch for you."
the Gryffindor team and i laughed loudly. Malfoy narrowed his eyes and he stalked away

at quarter to eleven, the Gryffindor team and i set off for the locker rooms and today was very different from the Hufflepuff match. it was clear cool day with a very light breeze, thank heaven i can actually see. i kept on wondering if mother or Uncle Remus are going to come and watch the match"You know what we've got to do" said Wood as we prepared to leave the locker rooms. "If we lose this match, we're out of the running. just - just fly like you did in practice yesterday, and we'll be okay!" we walk out to the field and the Ravenclaw team came out as well. and i noticed Cho Chang was the only girl on the team huh. she was a shorter than me and she was very pretty and i felt, Empth power once again, somebody was nervous more nervous then anyone i look around and notice that was Harry! oh my sweet heaven does he like Cho! that made my heart break a little thinking of that. "Wood, Davies, shake hands," said Madam Hooch bring me back to reality Wood and the Ravenclaw captain shook hands "Mount your brooms" i do so "on my whistle.... Three - Two - One -" i kick off the ground

** Third Person's Point of View **

They're off, and the big excitement this match is the Firebolt that Harry Potter and Rosemary Fisher is flying for Gryffindor. According to Which Broomstick, the Firebolt's going to be the broom of choice for the national teams at this year's World Championship -""Jordon, would you mind telling us what's going on in the match?" interrupted Professor McGonagall's voice
"Right you are, Professor - just giving a bit of background information -- The Firebolt, incidentally, has a built-in auto-break and --"
"Okay, okay, Gryffindor in possession, Rosemary Fisher of Gryffindor heading for goal..."
Harry streaked past Rosemary in the opposite direction, looking around for the golden snitch and Cho was right behind and she kept cutting across him, forcing Harry to change dirction.
"Show her your acceleration, Harry!" Fred yelled as he whooshed past in pursuit of a Bludger that was aiming for Alicia(okay the game is REALLY long in my opinion so we'll skip a little)

"Oh!" screamed Cho, pointing distracted, Harry looked down. Three dementors, three tall, black, hooded dementors, were looking up at him.
Harry didn't stop to think. plunging a hand down the neck of his robes, he whipped out his wand and roared, "Expecto Patronum!" the wight came out of his wand but he didn't stop to watch because he knew he had a direct shot at them. he turned back his attention to chasing the Snitch he found it and went after it. Wand still clutch in one hand getting closer and closer. and he closed his hand and caught the stuggling Snitch in his hands

** Rosemary's Point of View **
Harry caught the Snitch!! Gryffindor won! whoooo hoooo! i'm so excited! i got to the ground and kissed Harry on the cheek "You did it, Harry! i knew you could!" i said happily jumping up and down happily we won we won! i don't remember the last time i've been this happy! Ron came in to the crowd and congratulated Harry me still jumping up and down happily "Yes!" Ron yelled, yanking Harry's arms in the air. "Yes! Yes!" "Well done, Harry!" said PErcy, looking delighted. "Ten Galleons to me! must find Penelope, excuse me --"
"Good for you, Harry!" roared Seamus Finnigan.
"Ruddy Brilliant!" yelled Hagrid over the heads of the milling Gryffindor students.
"That was quite some Patronus," said a voice that i knew got to be Uncle Remus. me and Harry turn around and there he was looking both shaken and pleased.
"The dementors didn't affect me at all!" said Harry excitedly "i didn't feel a thing!" "That would be because they -- er -- weren't dementors," said Uncle Remus he lead Harry out o the crowd and i saw my mother i ran up to her and she hugged me "Congratulations honey! you did grate!" said Mum "you might be better then me" my eyes widen my mum was a Chaser! "You were a Chaser! what team did you play?" i said my mum smiled "what do you think Slytherin?" said Mum i gagged a little and my mother laughed "Gryffindor of course" i sighed with relief "Ro!" yelled a voice i turn and saw George i smile "Party! Gryffindor common room, now!" i smile "gotta go mum your going to tell about your days as a Chaser, okay doky! bye!" i said and i ran off in to the castle.

this felt grate! Fred and George went out for a couple hours but i caught them and we went to get snacks we brough bottles of butterber, pumpkin fizz, and several bags full of Honeydukes sweets. it was fun "How did you do that?" squealed Angelina while George threw Chocolate Frogs in to the crowed "With a little help from Moony, Wmrmtail, Padfoot, Crystal, and Prongs," i headr Fred muttered in Harry's ears.
only person who wasn't joining was Hermione, of course, reading in the corner. me and Harry were about to go talk to her but Jamie stopped me she looked guilty and sory. i cross my arms and look at her frustrated "Hi, Jamie," i said annoyed. she looked to the floor and messed with her thumbs "Listen, Rosemary, i'm really, really, sorry i shouted at you last year and ended our friendship. i'm nothing without you being my friend, no Best Friend, so will you forgive me for my anger?" she said i could tell she's really sorry and wants me back. i smile and hug her "I forgive you! so Best Friends again?" i said "No" said Jamie i broke the hug and look at her with disbelieved "Best Friends For Life" said Jamie i smile and hug her again YAY! i got my Best Friend back! best day of my hole an entire life!! "If Scabbers hadn't just been eaten, he could have had some of those Fudge Flies. He used to really like them" i heard Ron say loudly i look at Hermione and she burst into tears she grabbed her book and ran up to our dorm. i felt anger inside me nobody does this to my friends not even my best friend! i walk up to Ron "Can't you give her a break!?" i said to Ron angrily "No," said Ron flatly. "If she just acted like she was sorry -- but she'll never admit she's wrong, Hermione. She's still acting like Scabbers has gone on vacation or something." "Ron you are so frekin stupid!" i said angrily and i ran up to my dorm with Jamie running after me. i ran inside and saw Hermione sobbing in her pillow i walk up to her and rub her back.

i told Hermione me and Jamie made up so she's not avoiding Jamie anymore. we made Hermione better just a little made her smile a little then it was late and we went to bed. i once again had one of though's weird dream's with that mystery man and i was almost there ALMOST! but Voldemort killed me before he could finish. i shot up from my bed from my dream my heart pounding and i breath heavily. "Just a dream i'm okay" i whisper then i heard a scream that sounded like Ron? Julie, Jamie, and Hermione wake up "What's going on? who screamed?" asked Hermione "i think Ron come on" i said i got out of bed (here's her for third year) we walk out the girls grab there dressing gowns i do not i really don't care showing my Pj's. i walk out and saw Harry, Ron, Dean, Seamus, and Neville were sprinting downstairs everyone was appearing downstairs now. "Excellent, are we carrying on?" said Fred brightly. "Everyone back upstairs!" said Percy, hurrying into the common room and pinning his Head Boy badge to his pajamas as he spoke.
"Perce -- Sirius Black!" said Ron. "in our dormitory! with a knife! woke me up!" my eyes widen and the common room went every still and quiet. "Nonsense!" said Percy, looking startled. "You had too much to eat, Ron -- had a nightmare --"
"I'm telling you --"
"Now, really, enough's enough!" said Professor McGonagall Oh! she stopped the party thank heaven i couldn't fall asleep from there noise. "I am delighted that Gryffindor won that match, but this is getting ridiculous! Percy, i expected better of you!" "I certainly didn't authorize this, Professor!" said Percy "I was just telling them all to get back to bed! My brother Ron here had a nightmare --"
Professor McGonagall stared at Ron "Don't be ridiculous, Weasley, how could he possibly have gotten through the portage hole?" said Professor McGonagall "Ask him!" said Ron, pointing a shaky finger at the back of Sir Cadogan's picture. "Ask him if he saw --"
Professor stared at Ron for a while but went through the portage hole and went outside. the whole common room listened with bated breath "Sir Cadogan, did you just let a man enter Gryffindor Tower?" said Mcgonagall's voice.
"Certainly, good lady!" said Sir Cadogan. the hole Gryffindor common room went silent. "You -- you did?" said Professor McGonagall's voice. "But -- but the password!"
"He had 'em!" said Sir Cadogan proudly. "Had the whole week's, my lady! Read 'em off a little piece of paper!"
Professor McGonagall came back through the portage hole looking as white as a pillow case. "Which person," said Mcgonagall, her voice shaking, "which abysmally foolish person wrote down this week's passwords and left them lying around?"
there was silents in the common room then i noticed Neville was raising his hand slowly. oh this is not going to go well....  

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