Chapter 65 A Champion Team And Losing Him Again

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  Chapter 65
(Year Four)

today is the day of when the Champions are chosen! i'm very excited! i'm walking over with Jason when he grabbed my shoulder and turned me around "Come on, Ro, let's ditch and do something fun that's not boring" said Jason. i give him a serious look "I want to watch who get's chosen, don't you want to see if Cedric get's chosen?" i said. Jason sighed "Fineeeeeee!" he said dragging out the E "By the way i like your outfit"
i look down at my i'm wearing some jeans i got over the summer, a shirt i got for my fourteenth birthday from my grandmother, some converse, and the necklace Harry gave me last year. i'm not wearing, for once, the Necklace of my and Jason as kids "ever thought a boy would complement on my outfit, but thanks" i said. Jason smiled and i look at his watch "Fifteen minutes until it starts! we got to hurry!" i shout and i start to run i heard Jason laugh and run after me.

we got there when it was 2 minutes away. i wave goodbye to Jason while he went to go join his friends at the Slytherin table. i go over to the Trio and sit next to Harry "Hey!" i said happily. he smiled and waved but i could tell he's faking it. i've been spending more time with Jason then with Harry i guess he missed me "Now the moment you've all been waiting for!" shouted Dumbledore and it begins! yay! "The Champion Selection!" he moves his hand around and the lights go down. Dumbledore puts his hands on the goblet and then steps away and the fire goes a beet red it was really bright i shield my eyes because it was that bright! then it spits out a piece of paper Dumbledore caught it and read "The Drumstrang champion is Vikdor Krum!" announced Dumbledore. i saw Jason congratulate him Krum goes and shakes hand with Dumbledore and goes through a door. the Goblet's fire goes beet red again and spits out another piece of paper. Dumbledore caught the paper and read "The champion of Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour" announced Dumbledore. the girls at Beauxbatons clap and i saw Fleur with a huge smile. she walks over to Dumbledore, shakes hands, and walks into the same door Krum just went through. the Fire goes beet red again and spits out a piece of paper. Dumbledore caught it "The Hogwarts champion is.... Cedric Diggory!" announced Dumbledore. Jason and i stand up i jump up and down and he whistled "Go! Cuz!" shouted Jason. i saw Cedric laugh and shake hands with Dumbledore and went into the same door Fleur and Krum just went through. "Excellent!" said Dumbledore his arms wide "We now have our three champions, but in the end, only one will go down in history, only one will hold will host this (Thing i have no clue) of champions, this vessel of victory" Dumbledore turned and pointed to a cup "The Triwizard Cup!" announced Dumbledore. the cup was blue and clear and had 'WIZ' on it i think it stands for Wizard. then Snape step up and something bright caught my eye i look at the Goblet of Fire and it was beet red aain what is going on? he spits out two piece of paper and Dumbledore caught it he muttered something but i didn't catch it but the people around him heard him and were whispering and had anger in there eyes "Harry Potter and Rosemary Fisher!" said Dumbledore i freeze in my spot did he just call out mine and Harry's name? i have to imagining things! "HARRY POTTER ROSEMARY FISHER!" shouted Dumbledore. Julie shook me slightly while Hermione shook Harry slightly. "Come on, Rosemary, for heaven sakes go!" said Julie. Hermione and and Julie push me and Harry a little and me and Harry walk up. confused and scared in our eyes i tap into his feelings he's scared and confused. we walk up to Dumbledore and he hands us our papers and i look at mine Rosemary Fisher was written on it. i look at Jason he looked pissed "I didn't do it!" i mouth. he just looked away. me and Harry start to walk over to the door quite slowly people shouting "There a CHEAT!" and "There not even Seventeen yet!"

me and Harry walk down to the room with the champions. he was holding my hand trying to comfort me but it was was no use. the doors open and we walk in. the champions saw us they looked confused and we heard shouting behind us. me and Harry turn around and Dumbledore looked pissed Dumbledore held mine and Harry's shoulder's they were shaking slightly "Harry! Rosemary! did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire!" said Dumbledore. "No, sir" said Harry. i shake my head no not able to speak. "Did you get one of the older students to do it for you?" said Dumbledore. "No, sir" answered Harry me shaking my head no again not able to speak. "You absolutely sure" said Dumbledore. "Yes, sir" we said in union. my voice a little shaky "Well ov course they are lying" said Madam Maxine "The hell they are!" said somebody i couldn't see. Moody was talking fast i could't get a single word he was saying. "You seem to have given this a far bit of thought, Mad-eye" said the Karkaroff "It's my job to think as Dark Wizards do, Karkaroff, perhaps you'd remember" said Moody. "That doesn't help Alastor" said Dumbledore. "We leave this to you " said Dumbledore to Mr. Crouch. "The rules are (No clue) the Goble of Fire has a binding magical contract and Mr. Potter and Miss. Fisher will compete together as a team, they have no choice, they are, as is tonight, a Triwizard Champions" said Mr. Crouch. i held Harry's hand tighter him returning it everyone was looking at us so me and Harry are the first team of the Triwizard Tournament.

*in a corridor with Harry*
i was too shock to talk and seemed as Harry was too then i saw Jason he was leaning on the wall his head in his hands. "I'll meet you in the common room" i whisper to Harry. he nodded and walk off and walk over to Jason "Why didn't you tell your damn Best Friend you put your name in?" said Jason, not looking at me, "I didn't put my name in, do you believe me?" i said hoping with all my might he will "I don't know anymore. you kept me a secret from everyone, you kept that necklace i gave you a secret, you never bothered to call or come over to my house, do you think i believe you am i even still your best friend?" said Jason.
"Of course your my best friend! i was busy ---"
"To busy to call your best friend on Holidays or write a damn letter, Think Rosemary! i know your a smart girl were you ashamed of me" said Jason i gasp "What!?!? i would never be ashamed of you! your my ---"
"You know what, save it! i don't want to hear it anymore don't talk to me, get near me, or even look at me, Rosemary, i'm no longer your friend" said Jason. my heart shattered "What!?! but Jason please! you got to believe me!" i begged. he just walked away not looking at me tears started to fall i get on my knees and cry my hands i just lost my best friend i lost him again. am i cursed? can i not have a best friend? i get up after a couple minute tears were still falling. i walk up to the common room it was empty. so i walk up straight into my dorm Hermione was still awake along with Julie and Jamie. they sat up and walk over to me
"What happened?" said Julie.
"Are you going to compete?" said Jamie.
"are you okay, Ro?" said Hermione, noticing my tears.
i turn to Julie and Jamie "Me and Harry have to compete but we're doing it together, as a team" i said. and i turn to Hermione. "I talked to Jason he said he doesn't believe me and kept on asking if i'm ashamed of him as a friend. he didn't want to hear it and is no longer....." i trail off as more tears fall."Oh, Rosemary!" said Hermione. and she hugged me while i cry into her shoulder "I'm going to be right back" said Jamie through her gritted teeth

**Jamie's Point of View**
Jason is such a git! and an idiot! he doesn't believe his own best friend! Rosemary and Harry already went through a lot! i storme out of the dorm out of the common room and see Jason heading to the Slytherin common room "JASON JO WILLIAM!" i shout his full name. he flinched and turn around slowly "What do you want, Jamie?" said Jason. i punch his shoulder "HOW DARE YOU NOT BELIEVE YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND! SHE AND HARRY HAVE BEEN THROUGH A LOT AND BOTH DON'T WANT THIS! HOW COULD YOU THINK THEY WANT ETERNAL GLORY! THEY DON'T! THEY WANT NORMAL LIVES! WITH NO WORRY'S!" i shout.
"THEN WHY DIDN'T SHE MENTION OF ME TO HARRY, RON, HERMIONE, OR ANYONE! SHE KEPT THAT NECKLACE A SECRET AND ME!" Jason shouted anger in his eyes "BECAUSE HARRY WOULD FREAK OUT! SHE DIDN'T KNOW HOW HER BEST FRIEND WOULD ACT IF SHE NEVER MENTION YOU! NOW STOP BEING A BLOODY IDIOTIC GIT AND SAY SORRY TO YOUR BEST FRIEND!" i shout more angry by the minute. "NO SHE'S NOT MY FRIEND BECAUSE SHE'S ASHAMED OF ME! AND NETHER ARE YOU!" he shouted and ran off to the common room i glare at his back coldly and storm back to my dormitory Jason is a bloody git and Rosemary doesn't deserve him as a friend

A/n: what do you think? i worked hard i think i never done Jamie's potion of view before i don't remember. HOPE YOU ENJOYED! BYE!  

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