Chapter 53 Expecto Patronum

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  Chapter 53
(Year Three)

we walk out of the hole and Sirius and Harry set Ron down. I crouch down and check his leg. it's bleeding but it'll be okay I look over at Sirius and see he's looking at the castle. "You better go" said Ron. "No it's fine i'll stay" said Harry. "You two go I got this" said Hermione looking at me. I look at Sirius I can feel Harry giving me a confused look. we get up and walk over to Sirius where he's gazing at the castle "It's beautiful isn't?" said Sirius still gazing at the castle of Hogwarts. I smile it's the best home I got to see my friends who are just like me "i'll never forget the first time I walk through those doors, it would be nice to do it again as a free man" said Sirius. "That was a noble thing you did there, Harry, even if he does deserve it" I roll my eyes nobody deserve death. "Well I thought my dad wouldn't want his three best friend's to become killers besides dead the truth lies with him alive your free" said Harry "Also my mother has children to take care of and I don't my Uncle and Godfather to become killers that'll just be sad" I said we heard somebody talking and we look over and saw Uncle Remus and mother pulling Pettigrew out of the hole but he was now talking to Ron. "I was a good friend, a good pet, you wont let them give me to the Dementors! I was your rat!" wailed Pettigrew and he turned to Hermione "Clever girl, surely you will listen!" Uncle Remus and my mother pull him away from my friends " I don't know if you know, Harry, Rosemary, but when you were both born your parents made me your godfather" said Sirius. "I know" me and Harry said in union. "Well, I understand it if you want to stay with your Aunt and Uncle, but if you wanted a different home" said Sirius my hand flew to my mouth did he just ask Harry to live with him! "What? can I live with you?" said Harry. "Well... it was just a thought I understand if you don't want to" said Sirius oh Harry would love to! he hates his Aunt and Uncle I should know. "Harry! Rosemary!" called Hermione we all turn. she pointed to a mountain we all look and I could see the one thing that scared Uncle Remus the most. full moon...

Uncle Remus started to paint like a dog. my mother and Sirius hurry over to him "Remus! have you taken your potion tonight!" said my mother worriedly. they mother held onto Uncle Remus he was shaky and groaning in pain. I grab Harry's hand in fright and he intertwined our fingers telling me he's going to be okay "You know the man you truly are! Remus in your heart right here!" said Sirius pointing to his heart. Uncle Remus dropped his wand and Pettigrew went to get it and he tapped his head I pull out my wand "Expelliumis!" I shout but he already changed into a ran and scurried away. Uncle Remus was still transforming and I got to say it was scary as nuts! I held Harry's hand tighter and when Uncle Remus was fully changed he threw mother and Sirius over the hill were on. now it's just me, Hermione, an injured Ron, and Harry. what are we going to do! I let go of Harry's hand "Wait" I said and I started to approach Uncle Remus slowly "Uncle Remus?" I said softly he was painting and looking at me with no more caramel eyes that were comforting and said he was happy to see me but yellow eyes of a werewolves in pain. "Uncle Remus?" I said softly again and Uncle Remus howled I step back hurriedly and Harry grabbed my hand again. Uncle Remus started to walk to us slowly then Professor Snape came out of the hole and looked at us not noticing the werewolves. "there you are Potter!" snarled Snape holding Harry by his shirt then Uncle Remus growled at him he turned fear all over his face Uncle Remus raised his paw and hit Snape knocking him out me and Hermione scream "oh my god somebody please help" I mutter Uncle Remus was about to hit me but a black shaggy dog and a pure white wolf with crystal eyes and fur that looks so soft (Daisy's form is the picture of the wolf in this chapter) my eyes widen my mother is a animagus! my mother and Sirius were protecting us growling. Sirius and Uncle Remus began to fight while my mother protected us. when Sirius was thrown off and Uncle Remus looked at us my mother gritted her teeth and growled looking scary as hell Sirius bite Uncle Remus arm and Uncle Remus chase after him. my mother eyes widen and ran after them "Mum!" I said while Harry said Sirius we both ran after them everyone kept on calling for us but we ignore them. all that mattered was that mother and Sirius were okay. we saw Uncle Remus pick up both Sirius and mother and threw them at a rock there really hurt oh no....

Harry grabbed a rock and threw it at Uncle Remus head and he started to walk over to us. I grab Harry's hand in fright and I felt a shock but I ignore it. Uncle Remus was going to hit us when we heard a wolf howl first time didn't work second time it did Uncle Remus ran to the wolf call I let go of Harry's hand there were whines from a dog and me and Harry look my mother and Sirius are limping they roll in some bush's and are back to there normal self's and limp together to a lake. me and Harry run after them 'please be okay please don't die' I kept thinking over and over I have no idea what i'd do if my mother or Sirius died right after I found out Sirius is my Godfather!

me and Harry run through the forest me having a little panic attack. we found Sirius on the ground near the Black Lake my mother near by. I ran to my mother while Harry ran to Sirius "Mum!" I said while Harry said Sirius I turn her on her back she had a scratch on her cheek, one on her arm, and her legs, she looked awful and hurt "Mum please be okay!" I whisper in panic then I felt that cold shivery feeling. I look at Harry then at the lake which is freezing over no.... the Dementors are here! for Sirius! I look up and about hundred dementors are gliding above me and Harry I stand up slowly one Dementor sucked my mother I point my wand along with Harry to the dementors "Expect Patronum!" I shout a white smoky mist as a shield came out of mine and Harry's wand it kept the Dementors away but when it went out a dementor went right to me and Harry and sucked on us I scream it was awful flash's of if mother died I hated it I hate dementors. I fell to my knees and was breathing heavily another one came sucked me and mum again and again. it all stopped my mother pretty much passed out I look over to Harry and saw a tiny little light near Sirius mouth and the dementors were closing in SIRIUS'S SOUL!!! oh no! oh no! what am I going to do!

**Harry's Point of View**
Sirius's soul was near his mouth he can't die! he is the only family I got! I saw a light and look up and saw a Stag and a Doe wait those are Patronus spell! it was bright and a man and women were there. it got brighter and the dementors flew away and Sirius's soul was back in his mouth. I look back over to the stag and doe and it wasn't so bright anymore and they looked just like my parents... before I could get a closer look everything went black  

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