Part 6:Meeting An Old Friend And A New Power

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Tori had taken to two large doors when I woke up. She told me that they were the exit to the Ruins.

"Now Child, you must remember, it's Kill or Be Killed in that world out there," I nodded opening the doors with my bag on my shoulder. I felt cold when the breeze hit me, I forgot to pack a jacket and I was wearing the same clothes from babysitting the twins.

~Sans Pov

I heard the Ruin doors open, strange, Frisk and the weed had already past. I teleported to the woods by the door. There was a female human, she sure wasn't a kid, wait she looks a lot like... it can't be her. I'll stick with the dialog for now. She walked past the stick on the road, I stepped on it, breaking the stick.

~(Y/n) Pov


I whipped around when I heard a snap, the stick broke.

"Oh, ha ha! Very funny!" I yelled out to no one. I continued walking until I came upon a gate-like thing.

"Human, don't ya know how to greet-" I knew that voice.

"Let me stop you there Red," I turned around, facing my old friend. He seemed shocked.

"Sweetheart, that really you?" I nodded and smiled. Next thing I knew, I was being hugged very tightly, I hugged him back.

"Uh, Edge, you're kinda crushing me," he let me go.

"Sorry Sweetheart, but I thought I told ya to stay away from the Underground," he looked at me, get got a worried expression on his face.

"Sans, I almost forgot you, I had to see you again!" His eyes darken.

"Papyrus is comin', get behind my station, now," Sans ushered me past the gate and almost pushed me behind his station.

"SANS! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" That was Papyrus.

"Im right here, Boss," Why did he just call Papyrus 'Boss'.

"WHY ARE YOU SO USELESS! YOU LET THAT YOUNG HUMAN PASS!" I poked my up, but not to where they could see me.

"Sorry Boss, they must've sneaked past me," Sans started to sweat.

"NO, YOU'RE TOO FUCKING LAZY! I SHOULD HAVE ENDED YOU YEARS AGO!" Papyrus summoned two sharp bones and threw them at Sans. I felt my soul pulse, I jumped out from behind the station and got in front of Sans. I closed my eyes and a scythe with a (F/c) blade appeared in my hands. The bones deflected off the scythe. I opened my eyes and saw the scythe.

 I opened my eyes and saw the scythe

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"(Y-Y/N)!?I was pissed off. I walked strait up to Papyrus and pointed the scythe to his chest.

"How dare you, he's your own brother for fucks sake! I swear, if you weren't related to Sans... You'd be dead where you stand. So back off," I felt my eyes glow (F/c) in a threatening way. Papyrus got scared and ran off. My eyes went to their normal (E/c) and the scythe disappeared. I looked over to Sans, he seemed shocked.

~Sans Pov

I think I love her even more than before....


I thought that last part from Sans would be funny.

Word Count:528

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