Unexpected Delivery

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"What is this?" It was a box, but there was something inside. I was extremely confused why a box was on my porch when I first found it. I didn't order anything recently. When I set it on my dining table, it shook a little, then stopped. I studied it carefully and found there was no return address anywhere. That was about 20 minutes ago. Now I was trying to open the box, but it was unlike any ordinary box. I tried ripping it, cutting it, and even throwing it. No dents were made, no cuts to be seen. I was done trying so I left it on the floor in front of my couch.

I head a KER-THUNK, which was something new for me to hear. I ran out of my room after putting a book back in my book case, and saw the box was opened up; neatly and carefully. I looked around but saw nothing.

"So I got a box?" I didn't realize that behind me was a voice until I heard,

"Box: a container with a flat base and sides, typically square or rectangular and having a lid." I turned around to see a young man, who looked so very similar to his YouTube counterpart that I almost mistook him for Mark. The only words I payed attention to, as he was speaking, were,

"Hello. I am Google." I swear, if I were dreaming, this would be Markiplier fused with Google and Baymax. I know it's impolite to stare, but I was so... astonished by this humanoid that I couldn't believe it. But, why would he come here?

"So, uh... Google. What are your main functions?" Nothing else came to my head besides that.

"My primary function is to answer any question as fast as I can. My secondary function is to destroy mankind." I recognized his line from both Mark and Matthias's video. I really hope he wasn't out to destroy us. I could see that he was staring at me creepily, and grinning at me. I was internally freaked out, but held no expression on the outside.

"Google, where's your manual?"

"You are," he said. That didn't make much sense to me. I turned around and searched the box, finding a small booklet - about 10 pages or so - and noticed the Google "G" on the front. I decided I would keep that and read it later when I had time.

"Google, sit down," I instructed. He did as told and sat on the floor; I went to my room and put the booklet in my underwear drawer so I would get to it as soon as I could. Then I walked back to find Google sitting in the exact place he sat until I told him,

"Google, stand up." I liked calling him Google even though I had the urge to call him Markiplier, or even Mark. I just stood there observing him and he noticed.

"Do you need assistance?" I shook my head. Reluctantly, I went back to my room to read my book and was about to shut the door when I he stood at my bed, looking down at me. Now I've heard most short jokes since forever, but it was kinda weird that even he was a bit taller than I was. It made me feel... petite. I slowly backed up to my bed and sat, opening my book. He came even closer though as his stomach was at my eye level and he was almost towering me.

"Google, sit down," I told him. He sat on the bed next to me, eyeing my every little movement. I was getting really creeped out so I got up. He did the same. I moved to my drawer and began to read the first few pages as quickly as I could of the manual. After getting up to page 4, I pinched his left earlobe and he immediately shut down.

"Thank goodness," I said aloud, hoping he wouldn't hear me. I flipped a few pages forward and read about how to refresh him. I put my hand on his head, feeling for a tiny button. Once I found it, I pushed and his eyes opened as he stood up.

"Hello. I am Google," he said again.

"Google, be quiet." He did as I said and read a couple more pages until the end. There was a disclaimer which I read extremely fast, though I wish I had read it all.

"Just something about extra careful or else he'll love you. Please, he's a humanoid. Like that'll ever happen." I realized he wasn't listening to my sarcasm and I told him to not be quiet anymore.

"Can Google give assistance?" I thought hard about any task I should give him.

"Google, please go and wash the dishes." He frowned as he strolled out of my room and into the kitchen. There was only one plate that I used which was just an hour ago from lunch. Still frowning, he cleaned the plate and set it on the counter. I had only followed him because I didn't want him to break anything. After realizing he wasn't gonna put the plate away, I went around and grabbed it and stacked it on the many other plates I had in one of my cupboards. Turning around, I saw he was extremely close to me; so close our noses almost touched. I gasped then held my face since he startled me. Google was seriously creepy, as well as a bit annoying, but he was also like a pet. I guess he got too attached to his owner.

"Google, please back up." His creepy smile faded and he held a secure, gentle smile as he backed up. I was a little confused. Maybe it was because I said please? I said please when I asked him to wash the dishes but he only frowned. Perhaps it was one chore he didn't like. I promised myself that I would just do my own dishes.

"Google..." What was I supposed to do now?

"Um, Google... please fold the laundry." His gentle smile faded into a straight line as he rolled his eyes and walked to where the washer and dryer were. I still had the manual in my hand and decided to read carefully while he was doing his chore. I finished before he was done so I set the manual on the couch, since I was sitting there, and decided to check on him. He was actually putting dirty clothes in the dryer too.

"Google..." I said as he looked up.

"Am I doing something wrong?" I chuckled at his response.

"No. I'm just wondering why you're doing all the laundry. I only asked you to fold the laundry." He cocked his head and I thought he was joking but he looked extremely confused. My face looked serious for a moment.

"Google, can't you look this up? Don't you know how to do this?" He didn't answer, but instead just stood at me blankly.

"Google, do you know how to do the laundry?"

"Why yes. It requires many and can usually take up-"

"That's not what I'm asking," I interrupted. I sighed.

"Google, do you yourself know how to do the laundry?" He shook his head. Well this is gonna be great. A humanoid figure who's supposed to help me, but can't necessarily do everything I want him too. Someone kill me already! But I couldn't think of bad thoughts, not right now. I grabbed his hand a brought him into the living room; I wasn't blushing because I liked him, I was blushing because I was embarrassed about him. I wanted to get rid of him, but who would take him? Probably some dingo who's lazy and could use a robotic server in their house. I silently cursed at the thought; why would I leave him. I take responsibility for him, no matter what the circumstances. I also felt like taking in some fresh air.

"Hey Google," I said as he sprang up. He walked over to me and looked at me, the creepiness stare returning to his eyes.

"We're going for a walk, you and me." He raised an eyebrow but he didn't say anything. I walked to my room as he followed. I grabbed some socks and my worn Converse. After wearing them for a little over a year, the black was fading to a dark gray color but I could care less. I also grabbed my red and white flannel and put that on since I was only wearing a cami. I walked out into the living room and put my hair up in a side ponytail, my usual hairdo whenever I went for a walk, and grabbed my phone. I suddenly put it back; I didn't want that getting in the way of a possible friendly conversation with my new bud.

"Anything I can do?" he asked. I turned around, looked him up and down and asked,

"Can you at least talk more? Like, can you not ask for help, but talk about yourself?" He looked confused but nodded. I would show him when he started talking.

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