Nick Crompton

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Your pov

Nick has always treated me poorly. But i always stuck around but not anymore. I made a plan to get out of this fucked up relationship. We were laying in his bed and  we were joking around and I touched his hair and his poof dented (lmao I don't know)

"Bloody hell (y/n)"

Nick yells in his angry British accent.

"Shut the fuck up you damn angry ass British dick weed"

I walked out of the team 10 house angry.

'What a douche'

I thought to myself. I can't deal with this relationship anymore. He's always mad as hell for no damn reason. I'm dumping his ass next time I see him I'm  glad my plan worked.

*1 week later*

Nicks pov

I haven't seen (y/n) in a week and I feel really bad for exploding on her but she's just really annoying and I honestly wouldn't miss her if we end up breaking up. Matter of fact I'll just end it myself. I lost feeling a while ago.

Your pov

I walking down the street with my friend Mahogany  (I love her). We were minding our business before I saw him. That British dude. He started walking over to me.

"We should break up. Honestly you are annoying as hell"

Nick says in his British accent.


I say crossing my arms. Not gonna stress about him. No no no.


He says with an attitude.


I just had to remind him (:

* 1 year later*

As I'm walking around LA with my boyfriend Jack (yes gilinsky bitch) I see the asshole that put me through hell. Nick Crompton. He was with the Martinez twins. I've always loved them but I don't wanna see Nick.

Nicks pov

I see (y/n) with who i assume is her boyfriend. When i see (y/n) with him it honestly makes me regret the way I treated her. She's a beautiful person. Truly one of a kind.  I just hope he never makes the same mistakes I made. I smile at her and she smiles back. We both go our seperate ways but I'll always love that girl even if she was a pain in the ass.

Here's a Nick oneeeeeee. Lol enjoy ig

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