Ivan Martinez

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Quick Back story: You and your ex boyfriend Hayes Grier broke up about 9 months ago. You got together when you were 14 and he was 13. You broke up when he was 16 and you were 17. He was a shitty boyfriend in the end he cheated and never made time for you and he regrets it. But your with Ivan now and you are happier with him.

Hayes pov

My best friend Tez and I were walking around the streets of LA damn we are blessed.

"Hey did you hear (y/n) has a new boyfriend?"

This is news to me. I thought she was single?

"Wait really? Who is the punk?"

"I think his name is Ivan? He's apart of that group team 10"

Your pov


I hear my boyfriend scream in Spanish.

"Yes Ivan?"

I walk downstairs and giggle at the sight. Emilio is sitting on Ivan giving him a wedgie. Didn't know they had those in Spain.


"Oh baby"

I decided to be a good girlfriend so I tackled Emilio onto the floor. Ivan gets up and runs upstairs.


Emilio makes a good point. Even though it was bad English. So Emilio and team up and I call Ivan to come down.

"Ivan baby come here"

As Ivan walks down the stairs Emilio  and I carry him to the backyard to throw him into the pool.


Too late Ivan. We throw him into the pool.


Emilio says as we high five.

Nick walks out to see the scene. He just nods his head and laughs walking back inside.

"Why did you do that?"

Poor Ivan looks upset.

"You ate our pizza baby!"

Eventually Ivan gets dried off and Ivan Emilio and I head out to get something to eat. As we sit down at a little cafe I hear two guys talking behind me. They sounded so familiar. I turn around to see Tez and Hayes. I quickly turn my head back but I was to late.



"Hayes hey..."

This is so awkward.

"Who are these guys?"

Hayes asks pointing to Ivan and Emilio.

"My boyfriend Ivan and his brother Emilio"

I say smiling at them. I oddly felt so comfortable saying that and all the feelings I once had for Hayes were gone. Am I in love?

Ivan pov

Who is this guy talking to my girl!? Do I need to get savage? She is my chicka!

"My boyfriend Ivan and his brother Emilio"

She smiles at us and I calm down a bit. She's been my girlfriend for 6 months now. I will not let this guy ruin my relationship.

I work up the courage to say something.

"Yes it is nice to meet you bro"

I say to him. He looks at me weird.

Hayes pov

"Yes it is nice to meet you bro"

He's Hispanic? Dammit.

"Can I please talk to you Ivan?"

I ask looking at him seriously. I just want to scare him a bit. He looks a bit annoyed.

"Sure bro"

We walk away and I know what I'm gonna say. I've been thinking about us meeting for awhile now not in a creepy way though.

"Does you know who I am?"

"No sorry bro who are you?"

He doesn't know who I am? Does (y/n) not talk about me anymore?

"I'm (y/n)'s ex boyfriend"

It fell silent for a minute.


He looks down and seems uncomfortable.

"I treated her terrible. I cheated on her and ignored her"

I look at him and he's starting to tense up.

"Promise me you won't hurt her the way I did? Treat her right. Laugh at her stupid jokes, make time for her and be faithful. I learned the hard way that all those other girls who you meet at partys and give it up easy aren't  (y/n). So love her for me please"

"I promise. I'll never let her go. Ever"

We walk back to the cafe. (Y/n) comes up to hug Ivan. That hurt but I wish her the best.

"Promise me you won't put yourself through what you went through with me again"

She smiles at me.

"I promise"

She hugs me and Tez and I walk home.

Your pov

"I love you"

I look at Ivan in shock.

"I love you too"

Ivan kisses me. This feels right. I'm in love with someone who treats me right.

"Woah today was crazy bro"

Totally forgot Emilio was there until he said something.

"Let's go home"

Ivan suggests we all agree. Walking home I realized that I am so blessed. Life is beautiful.

Here's another Ivan imagine lol

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