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I've decided short oc stories go here now

I apologize for this shit in advance

Here TrademarkLies

Why was she here?
Sitting alone in the red rocky gorge, the sun obscured by smoke that hung heavy in the crimson sky. Kira brushed her delicate fingers over the warm stone beneath her, leaning against the rocky wall.
Why even ask that question?
She knew the answer.
It was simple.
To get revenge.

On the outside, she appeared calm, ready to face her abuser. But what she showed on the outside was a lie. Truly, she felt pure terror. Her heart was beating so fast she swore it would burst from her chest. She could feel her stomach churn as vomit threatened to spill out of her at any moment.

Closing her eyes tightly, she clutched the end of her black skirt, taking a few deep breaths.
"You need to calm yourself, Kira..." She whispered to herself.
"You need to be ready to fight."
Her heart began to slow with each deep breath she took, her grip slowly loosening on her skirt. She sat there for a moment, collecting herself before taking one last breath and standing.

Almost immediately, something slammed her into the rock. Strong fingers locked around her throat, holding her there firmly. Kira struggled, kicking and scratching, but once she opened her eyes all of that subsided. She seemed to have froze, the sight of Daisuke sending waves of panic throughout her entire body.

There was a devious glimmer in the red depths of his eyes, his fingers fastening tighter around her neck. "Do you think I'm stupid, darling?" He leaned closer to her ear. "I knew you'd be the one waiting~"
With a small chuckle, he pressed his lips against her cheek.
"But it's not like I'm complaining. I've missed the way you taste~"
With that, he dropped her to the ground.

Kira gasped for air, each cough feeling life needles pricking her soar throat. She placed her fingers on the dark purplish and red marks that were clearly visible on her pale skin. Silently, she cursed herself. Why couldn't she just fight back? Why did she have to freeze in fear like a little bitch? Tears pricked the corners of her eyes, and slowly she attempted to stand. Daisuke swiped her feet from under her with a swift kick, causing her to fall right back to the ground.

"Pfft..." Daisuke scoffed. "Now you want to act like you don't like being choked."
It seemed so sudden, but now he was on top of her, slipping his hands up her skirt and gripping her thighs. Kira closed her eyes, letting out a soft whimper.
Daisuke cocked his head to the side, "Last time I checked, choking turned you on."

"Why.....?" The word suddenly escaped Kira's mouth in a soft whisper.
"Yes... Why"

Daisuke looked down at her, eyebrow slightly raised. He glanced away, his grip seeming to loosen on her thighs. He seemed distracted, slipping into his own thoughts.
This was her chance.

Slowly and carefully, one of her daggers began to slip from her sleeve. His gaze shifted to her, but he had no time to defend himself. Kira thrusted her hand forward, the dagger entering his throat. Daisuke flinched, beginning to choke. Blood began flowing down from the stab wound, and once she pulled the blade out, the red liquid spattered onto her.

Kira laid there for a moment, watching the wave of crimson flow from his neck. The sight of her uncle bleeding began to melt away the fear she once felt. It was soon replaced with a new emotion.
Her red eyes slitted, her fist jetting out and colliding straight into his face. A shockwave of power blasted around them, Daisuke flying back.

Once he was off of her, she slowly stood. Looking up, she kept her red eyes trained on Daisuke as he flew through the sky. A small hiss escaped her as she clenched her fists. It was time to show him that he wasn't the only one who could make someone feel helpless.

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