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James' pov

I trusted Thomas enough to lead me into the fair. He seemed like a nice enough guy..Certainly a one with secrets but it's fine..we have our secrets.

We soon went to play a few games, he ended up winning me a giant stuffed duck and a panda.
"Thank you so much!" I thanked. He was really sweet.

"Your welcome hun, do you want yo get something to eat?" He asked.
I shrugged quietly in return.
"Lets think it over when we ride the Farris wheel!"
That's when my body shook, I was afraid of heights..
"..o-oh..u-umm..well.." I started, then I saw his face..he was excited..I couldn't let him down..
"Okay..lets g-go" I said before I let out a yelp as he picked me up and ran to the Farris wheel.
He then finally put me down, I stared at him with a light flush across my cheeks.
He smiled at me before winking then going to give the tickets.

Once we got into the seats for it we waited until it would start. I was shaking and I'm guessing Thomas noticed it.
"Hey you okay?" He asked, concern noticeable in his voice.
"Um I'm o-okay..im just afraid of heights.."
"Oh..Jamie you could have told me and I wouldn't have let you on here" he said crossing his arms.
"Oh..im sorry.." I replied.

He sighed and looked at me " Just ignore the bottom and look at me" I nodded and turned my head towards him. I was faced with his neck and I had to look up to see his face.
He gave me a soft smile and pulled me close to him, he pulled me toward his chest making me let out a squeak.
He chuckled slightly and pet my hair which somehow calmed me..

I started to drift off until it started moving again.
"Shh..It's okay I'm here" he comforted me.
I nodded slowly as I clinged onto him for dear life.

I shut my eyes closed as it started moving, he kept petting me to calm me down like I was a pet in distress.
I then opened my eyes as I felt Thomas' comfort grew tighter, his arms around me acting like a blanket to keep me warm.
I snuggled in and smiled, I saw how the city looked from the height we were at. It looked so beautiful..
After a while of looking at the lights the covered the ground we were finally set down on the ground again.

I looked up at Thomas as he had walked out, when I went to walk out I could barely stand. My legs were shaking, I wobbled out until Thomas picked me up and walked out of the fair.

He led me into the car, "I'll drive this time Jamie" he said with a soft smile which made my face slowly heat up. He set me in the passenger seat, I found him really trusting..Even though I just met him, he has been really nice...

I brought the two stuffed animals and set them in the back.
"So..um..thank you" I smiled awkwardly.
"Don't mention it hun"
That's when I realised...I've been letting him call me 'hun' ever since the first time I met him!
" Why do you call me hun?" I asked curiously.
"Force of habit" he replied in the most simplest of ways.
"Plus, your adorable" he added, he looked over to my flushed face and was satisfied before he grabbed my keys and started driving out of the fair.

"So? Are you hungry? We were supposed to talk about it during the wheel but you kept using me as your safe place"
My face was heated up and red at this point.
"W-well...I-I..sure I'm up for anything" I replied unsure of myself.

"...What restaurant?" He asked trying to go on the main road.
I replied with a short shrug and looked off to the window
"Surprise me.." I said.

Before I knew what was going on we were at restaurant.
"This place looks nice!" I said nicely.
He smiled at me in return.
"Yeah..I would go here as a kid" he then got out and opened the car door for me.

After we got settled in the place we ordered our food and waited.
"So..tell me..what do you think about me?" He asked right when the waiter left.
"Hmm..well if I'm being honest..you are cute and flirty..you like to stay on top and you do that by flirting or fighting with someone-"
He nodded to what I was saying and made simple hand gestures meaning I was correct.
"You keep many secrets and you can come off as oddly sexual at times-"
He nodded once again Then cut me off.

"You can read me pretty well, let's see about you..well for starters I can immediately tell your a very fragile person, you have never had any sexual Interaction even with yourself, you are a lover of the earth seeing as you had lots of plants along your house and a cat which you over stocked food for, you get scared and flustered easily seeing how gentle you are and you feel like you can trust me even though we just met, oh what's this! I'm also sensing you have a minor crush on me because we my flirting skills and the fact that I could lead you into a life you have never had before"
I stood there in awe, I completely ignored the fact that I was about to fall out of my seat.
"...Whats wrong? Are you falling for me so quickly?"

I face flushed, he got every thing right..am I that read able
"Yep..you do realise your talking to your self out loud right" he chuckled

Alrighty then...

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