His Bro Kisses U & Apologizes 2 U By Text Message

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Rocky: I'm sorry that I kissed you. There's no need to tell Ryland right?

Y/N: Uh...yeah technically I have to. I vowed to tell him everything, even if it means he'll get hurt in the process. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Anything but lies.

Rocky: Really? You two aren't even married yet!

Y/N: Welllllllll.........

Rocky: What??? You two didn't secretly get married, did you?

Y/N: No, but we're engaged to be married. (A/N: I'm also pregnant!)

Rocky: I don't know what to tell you. Congrats? I'm happy for you. Although I'm now the only one who is single and still searching for the one tonight.

Y/N: Thanks, I think. You're the only one who knows. So keep quiet. There's a perfect girl out there for you. You just got to keep searching every city, and never give up.

Rocky: Don't worry. It'll cause you stress and we don't want that, now do we? I'll keep a low profile. I'm actually really pretty good at keeping secrets. I even kept one to myself that I have of my own. Thanks. 

Y/N: Really? Care to expose it to me?

Rocky: Uhhhhhhhhh.........

Y/N: What? Is the secret about me or something?

Rocky: Ummmmmmmmm.........

Y/N: Oh Em Gee. Goodness gracious. It is about me. Does sexy Rocky have a crush on me?

Rocky: Hahahahahahahahaha whattttt that's cray-zay! I mean how could I when obviously you love Ryland and are engaged to be married to him?

Y/N: Don't deny it. That doesn't mean you can't have feelings for me. It's okay, actually. I used to have an in between minor and major crush on you back in the day. But I never acted on it. At least not until now. Cause I just told you. Lol.

Rocky: Is that why you were always hanging out with me and not Rydel, your best friend?

Y/N: Haha guilty. I thought you would have noticed before, but apparently you had other thoughts and obviously you were too blinded by me to see right through me. You know we could have been something together, if you weren't so blind back then.

Rocky: Obviously, you're having doubts about your engagement with Ryland, sooooo.....

Y/N: What? You don't know that! Stop assuming things without actually knowing something.

Rocky: Sorry. It's just the way you wrote that, sounded like you still had some what of a feeling for me, that's all.

Y/N: Yeah right. If I did, I'd be at your house, knocking on your door, and right when you open the door, so that I can see your hell of a sexy face, I'd kiss you fully on the lips 'one last time.'

Rocky: Are you trying to tell me something?

Y/N: Mayyybeee! You never know what could be waiting outside your door. I could be waiting for an opportunity to knock.

Rocky: You mean window of opportunity, right?

Y/N: Uh, would that be better than the door? And if so, why?

Rocky: Yes it would be a heck of a whole lot better. And, Ryland may or may not be home right now.

Y/N: Okay. *taps on his bedroom window that he doesn't share with anyone anymore since they all moved into their band house without him*

Rocky: This'll be our first and last time together as 'lovers' right?

Y/N: Uhh umm maybe. Unless it changes my mind about marrying Ryland.

Rocky: Why would it change your mi...oh.

Y/N: Uh yeah so could you help me through your bedroom window?

Rocky: Right yeah, hold on a sec. *goes to window, slides it open, helps me in by grabbing my hand, and when he does, I feel a shock of electricity run through me like a lightning strike*

Y/N: *blushes like cray-zay* Sooooo, how has your day been going? What have you been up to? What's up? ;)

Rocky: *smirks* Well, you know what's 'up', and my day has been good, but my night is better now that you're here, with me, in my room, just the two of us, alone.

Y/N: Oh Rockstar, you have always been a fuqboi.

Rocky: You know it, babe!

Y/N: So, sexy badass guitarist, how should we begin our thing? What should we start out by doing?

Rocky: Well, how about I dim the lights, and light a few candles, and put rose petals on my bed?

Y/N: Sounds wonderful. Ryland has never done that before. Not even when we got together, officially, if you know what I'm talking about.

Rocky: Really? Then why are you still with him after all these years? *still into you by paramore*

Y/N: Because, I...really don't know the reason why.

Rocky: Maybe, if you think of it this way, you were trying to get over me because you thought I'd never be 'into you' that way?

Y/N: Huh, I've never thought of it that way. I guess you're right.

Rocky: Aren't I always?

Y/N: Don't get too cocky or I'll call this whole entire thing off.

Rocky: Gee, I was just messing around with you. ;)

Y/N: Yeah sure you were. *sarcasm*

A/n: Based off of a true life event. The story behind it actually happened in real life. The characters who are written in this story do not depict the actual people in real life. They are mainly being used as characters in this story.

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