what up loves

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hai ppl guess who is back the hood goddess has come back to bless you with her awsomness so lets get into it 

today we will be talking about ........ 


when i said that im pretty sure ppl were like i swear she has problems


we are talking about gay and female freinds aka drama bags

let get started shall we first off the :emotional/cry baby freinds : everyone has this friend that one friend that crys about everything like you could have broke a nail and there like omg poor thing then they think bout braking one and start to ball in tears  my friends name is haha ya'll thought i was about to call them out nope sorry bishes anyway next :the shy types /i dont talk nigro: this is the type of that no matter what wont say a god damn word they could even be at a spelling and its there turn there like...... a.b.o.u.t and then dont say shit for the rest of the week 

im like bitch speak of ill rip out your lungs you dont use them anyway number 3:the best freind: this freind is that gay friend that is the legit shit he is always there and has so many fun / stupid things to say im like you my best friend actualy his name is neko chan he saw the finest human i was like as neko chan once said 'have my baby' well ill do part twoo tomorrow i have two other stories to update till next time loves

                                   hood goddess is out baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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