Snowed Inn

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*not gonna get overly descriptive*

It was the worst season of the year for the small white suburbs of Woodcrest, it was winter. Snow storms, plow trucks, traffic, all ingredients for the recipe for a romantic snow inn.

"I hate snow!" Riley kicked the snow only to find it was harden into ice. "Oh! Fuck!" He yelled shaking his foot in pain.

"Would you stop acting like a pussy and help me with shoveling?" Cindy said, handing him a snow shovel.

"Remind me why your here again?" Riley groaned.

"Cause.." The blonde suddenly became quiet, not able to come up with an excuse.

"She's with me!" Jazmine smiled looking over to her boyfriend. "Right Huey boo?" The mulatto stuck out her lips for a kiss.

"Whatever!" Huey rolled his eyes pecking his lips on his 8 month girlfriend, their cold lips warning the both of them.

"Ew! Get a room!" Riley threw a snowball at his brother, but it ending up hitting Cindy.

"Reezy!!" She growled throwing a hard ice ball at him.

"Snoooooow fight!" Jazmine declared picking one up herself.


"My hands feel numb!" Riley complained while everyone went back inside.

"Yeah maybe if you wore gloves your bitch ass wouldn't be complaining!" Cindy snickered walking past him.

"Like O.J said the glove doesn't fit!" Suddenly the home phone rang and Huey rushed to it before his brother.

"Boys!?" Grandad said over the phone.

"Grandad!" Huey signaled everyone to be quiet.

"Hey boy, I got stuck in traffic and the storm is getting worse. They're some extra blankets in the attic if the power goes out." Grandad explained.

"I will! Make it home safe." Huey said.

"And don't let that one eyed bastard in and eat me out of house and home!" The old man yelled.

"Alright, love you Grandad."


"Grandad? Grandad! Ugh the phone cut out!" Huey huffed hanging up it up.

"So we shoveled that whole drive way for nothing!?" Cindy pouted breaking the silence.

"Shh! Come look at this!" Jazmine turned up the tv.

"The snow storm has escalated and we are expecting more than 5 feet of snow breaking the record in the books! Stay inside and avoid going out to drive for thousands are stuck in traffic and thousands more without power! Back to you bob-"

"AWW!" The four groaned in unison.

"I'll get the generator going.." Huey got up from the couch.

"I'll come with!" Jazmine smiled following Huey to the garage.

"Man 5 feet..." Cindy sighed.

"Damn that's taller than your short ass!" Riley burst out laugh reviving a aggressive shove from the blonde on his right.

"Shut up!" Cindy laughed.

"Man I hate no power!" He said doing a classic man spread on the couch.

"Eek! Jazmine shrieked and the power turned on.

"Yaaaay!" Riley and Cindy cheered. Then the power shut off again.

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