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The horn blows for all warriors to go to the great hall. Loki, Thor, Freyr, Sif, and the warriors three are at Odin's sides. Freyja, and I are hiding. Freyja used invisibility on us so we could see what the orders are. No one seems to notice us, but I know Loki seems to know someone's in the shadows. He just doesn't know it's us.

About five minutes have passed and they are still going. I mean it shouldn't take that long to tell fighters what to do, right?

Alva, Heimdall wants to see us. Freyja mind links me.

Do you think he knows?

Probably. Let's go. Who knows what he could do if he does.

Freyja and I tiptoe out of the great hall and once we got out, Freyja undid the invisibility. We ran to Heimdall. His glowing eyes facing the universe.

"You wanted us?" Freyja asks in the most innocent voice she could ever make.

"I know you want to fight in battle. Don't, its too dangerous. You will get yourselves killed."

"OH COME ON!" I got sick of the "its too dangerous" crap. I mean they don't know a thing about us. "We'll be fine! WE KNOW HOW TO FREAKING DEFEND OURSELVES!"

"If you say so, but don't say I didn't warn you." Heimdall says calmly.

Freyja and I walk to the armory, and arm ourselves. We didn't look like Alva or Freyja. We looked like warriors going into battle. We have helmets to cover our faces, even though we didn't like them on. We saw them leaving the great hall going to Bifrost. Freyja and I zipped to the crowd. Heimdall transported us to Alfheim. The colors were flawless and beautiful. As all of us soared through the nine worlds, we got to Alfheim.

We went to Freyr's castle, and ate an excellent meal. Once it was night, my shift ended, so I could go to sleep. But first, a shower. I really need it. There isn't a bathroom in my room. So I gotta be careful when I go. I snook to the bathroom and made sure no one was there. I undressed myself and turned on the water. It was so soothing. Better than at home or in Asgard. It felt like I was in a small waterfall. I cleaned myself, then just sat there for 5 minutes, enjoying the water trickling down my back. I got out and wrapped a towel around me and dashed into my room.

The bed was so soft. Softer than my bed in Asgard. I laid there, towel still wrapped around me. Thinking. What if I do die during battle? And if I don't? What if Freyja dies? What if I- My thoughts are interrupted of a door opening. I fall to the side of the bed to hide. Its not Freyja's feet I saw. It was Odin's.

"Come out! I know you're here...Alva." FUDGE KNUCKLES! I slowly stand up. Freyr, Freyja, Sif, Thor, the warriors three, and Loki are all with him. Loki's eyes are filled with worry, and fright.

"I need to talk to Alva alone," Loki said. Everyone looks at him. "NOW!" Everyone leaves without hesitation. Once everyone left, I sat down. Loki was disappointed, I could tell. We didn't speak for 10 minutes.

"I'm sorry. But I had to."

"Why? Why did you have to come with us?" He says a bit calmer than when he told them to leave.

"Everyone was thinking that I couldn't fight. That I was weak!" I started screaming. "I don't want to be the person who allows people to push her around! I'M NOT GOING BACK TO THAT PERSON I WAS ON MIDGARD!" I was bawling, I couldn't hold it. Loki wraps his arms around me, and kisses my head. We just laid on the bed for a while. I didn't want to let go. He made me happy. He made me forget about my past.

Odin said Freyja and I can stay, as long as we train to be better warriors. Or at least me. The battle was going to begin in about a week. Or at least that's what one of Odin's ravens said.

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