Old Friends, New enemies

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Kiba POV:

After I left the warehouse area I walked where ever and it started to rain heavily. As I walked a priest ran and yelled for help when he saw me. As was about to reach me he fell flat and heard someone laughing as I looked up I saw freed sellzen.

Freed: Well, look at who I stumbled upon. Missed me my friends.

Kiba: Why would why.

As I said that I summoned my demonic sword and readied myself.

(I gonna skip the fighting part because I can)

I was on the ground filled with pain when freed got me from behind and I was looking at him with anger.

Freed: Looks like it's lights out for you devil boy.

Freed then raised his sword and I closed my eyes and waited for death only to hear metal clashing, I open my eyes and see a guy wearing red and had a similar sword like (Y/N).

???: Well, looks like someone is ready for costume party.

Freed: Who the hell are you!?

???: I'm someone who was just passing by till I saw you about to kill this kid.

Freed: Your gonna regret fighting me.

???: Yeah well see.

Freed rushed the guy and swung his sword but the guy use a gun to block the attack and got another and pointed it at freed.

???: Looks like I win.

Freed: Forget this I'm out of here!

Freed then threw something one the ground and a light blinded us. And freed was gone.

???: If you're not gonna put a decent fight then don't fight at all.

The mysterious guy walked towards me.

???: Hey kid, you going to be ok.

Kiba: Yeah, just leave me alone.

I try to get up but I stumbled a bit but the guy caught me before I fell.

???: Doesn't seem like it. I'll help you ok.

Kiba: No, I can manage.

I try walking but I only took a few steps before I fell down.

???: How about now.

Kiba: Fine.

???: alrighty then.

He helps me up and we start walking.

Kiba: Who are you?

???: The names Dante.

We kept walking till we stopped in front of a place called "Devil May Cry"
We entered the place and he set me on a couch. He left and gave me a blanket.

Dante: Rest for a bit and then you can leave.

Kiba: Yeah.


(Y/N) POV:

I was walking in the hall at school till Issei called me over.

Issei: Hey, (Y/N) my friends and I thought we could go to karaoke.

Matsuda: Yeah it'll be fun.

Motohama: We should go to the one near the train station. They got new inserts and have competition's.

Me: Pass.

Issei: What do you mean "Pass"

Me: I mean I have better things to do than karaoke.

Devil Slayer (Devil May Cry x High school dxd)Where stories live. Discover now