OVA Child's Play

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Me and my dad were driving to an old abandoned hose someone called about.

Me: Hey dad why's the we are heading to some old house.

Dante: Well some demon has been luring people and they never came out.

Me: Sounds spooky.

In minutes we arrived at the house and exited the car then walked in front of the door.

Dante: Would you like to knock first.

Me: Don't mind if I do.

I kicked the door down easley since it's old.

Me: Knock knock.

Dante: funny.

Me: You would have done the same.

Dante: True.

We walked around the house seeing it old and tattered until we heard screaming from up stairs. We ran to where the screaming came from and busted into a room to see the demon.

 We ran to where the screaming came from and busted into a room to see the demon

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Demon: Bloods of Sparda, maybe you might be the key.

Me: Here's your key bitch.

Me and my dad pulled out our gums and started shooting at it, but the demon avoided them in a great speed.

Dante: Time for a new strategy.

We both split up and were on the other ends of the room. I got rebellion and the demon duplicated itself.

Me: Now it's a party.

I started swinging rebellion around and demon grabbed it with it's hand.
I smirked and got Yamato out and sliced one of it's horns. It screaming in pain and let go of rebellion. I stealthed  both swords and kicked it to the wall that it broke threw it.

Demon: Danm you!

Dante: Not finished with yours yet.

Me: What that fast?!

Dante: Please, I'm a professional.

Me: Some professional that can get pai-

I got blasted with something so hard I was blown three room away.

Demon: Don't ever look away from your opponent.

Dante: (Y/N)!

Dante was about to strike, but he was slammed into a way.

Demon: Now let's see if this will work.


In the dust I shot the demon point blank in the head.

Me: Like you said don't look away- wait is my voice squeaky.

Dante: (Y/N) is that you?

I walked out of the dust and he had a  surprised look on me.

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