Ch.4 Healing

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Disclaimer- Just want to make a shout out to PegasusHart and rhyane18 for there comments and decided to keep this story but lead in a slightly different direction as I lost my original notes to this. Check out my other fanfic Hadria Potter-Black:Lady Crimson Pureblood Queen I'm going to update that no later than Friday. Enough of my rambling enjoy I'm going to try and update every month.

Harry was so out before this conversation happened that he didn't notice that the only people left were the twins, Hermione, Siri, Remus, and Tonks. Harry thanked Merlin that he didn't say all that in front of the old goat and his stupid sheep. He absently wondered were the rest of the Weasley's went but then shook the thought away.

Harry was brought out of his thoughts by Hermione she was looking at him horrified. Harry cocked his head "What's with that expression."

That's when Harry noticed the blood soaking his pant leg and shirt. Harry paused before coughing up blood "Oh that."

Hermione shrieked "Oh that, that's all you have to say Harry why didn't you say you were hurt?"

Harry mumbled "It's not important."

The twins were seriously worried for there littlest brother cause that's what Harry was to them they didn't save Harry his second year because Ron asked but because they were going to anyway.

The twins rushed over to Harry and picked him up so they could take him upstairs for privacy as they knew that he didn't like people seeing the scars and burns that the Dursleys caused. They've taken care of Harry since they first met him at Kings Cross.


Fred and George Weasley knew they were slightly different than there family you could almost say they were the black sheeps.

Now they weren't cruel so seeing a little boy who they thought couldn't have been any older than nine at most but they later learned was a firstie struggling with a trunk well they couldn't leave him alone to do it by himself could they.

The twins introduced themselves and asked the poor boy if he needed a hand.

The boy nodded warily but crossed his arms and shook both there hands at the same time before softly speaking "Hello, I'm Hadrian Potter but most call me Harry."

The twins looked at each other and through there bond they knew that even though they just met Hadrian "Harry" Potter they were going to protect and look after him there was just something about the small boy with his slightly long curly hair, longer than his Father's, and his bright innocent eyes that also screamed that he had seen the worst of the world. They knew as they watched the small boy that while they would protect him he didn't need it.

After putting the trunk away and helping Harry onto the train Harry turned to them and spoke getting the correct twin the first time nodding to each then walking away "Thank you for the help Fred, George."

The twins stood there shell shocked for not even there family could tell them apart they were always the twins or Gred and Forge they were never Fred and George, separate entities. They smiled true non mischievous smiles at the small young boys no mans back before they heard there Mother's call.

"Coming hold your hairnet." they called


The twins stuck Harry on his bed in his own room as Sirius thought it was stupid to make everyone share the house had plenty of room it could fit the whole order as shown in the first war.

The twins had cut off the rags he'd been wearing only to cringe at the wounds. Harry slightly slurred "I need the potions in my trunk they're labeled, I need Skelegrow, Blood replenisher, bruise balm, a purple potion no label and murlap for the rest and bandages.

Dobby brought the potions and gave them to the twins. Harry's eyes glazed usually this would be nothing but the countless sleepless nights mixed with little food and round the clock beatings well let's just say what most people found all that on a scale of 1 to 10 way over ten Harry found that all of it was 3 at most but the tear in his lung and the blood loss was getting to him.

Harry looked at the twins seeing as they had the potions "First the purple potion, the blood replenisher, then the Skelegrow, next the bruise balm and soak the bandages in the murlap and wrap my chest and my leg to prevent most of the deep scaring."

Everyone nodded before the twins gave him the potions while Sirious and Remus carefully rubbed in the bruise balm. Hermione focused on the task not her best friends almost naked body she didn't think she could take it if he was thank bloody merlin that he still had his boxers. Hermione shook her head and saw everyone was done, Sirious and Remus were waiting for her to finish soaking the bandeges.

Hermione passed the bowl to Remus then watched as some how Harry fell asleep to Remus wrapping his leg after his torso. They all eyed each other before nodding and going back to watching Harry sleep, yes Harry was rather unique but they knew they would follow him anywhere even if he joined Voldemort. If only they knew what he was planning the things that were going on in his head, were going to take the Wizarding world to an era that would probably never be seen after his death again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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