The true face of evil.

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... Snow White showed to Henry that she wasn't what he thought she was.

Henry had no idea of how many times he spend in his cellar. He just knew that he asked to see the queen, but the guards just answered to him that it wouldn't happen. After all, he and his mother were a threat to the kingdom, and why would the Evil Queen be interesting into listening to a kid ?

So, he was there, waiting something to happen... And there was nothing, and yeah, if he hadn't been so desperate, he would have said to himself that it was boring. He had nothing to do, just... wait.

He couldn't fight, or help or even just do something. He felt so useless.

But then, things changed. For a time. But maybe not for good.

When the queen entered into the prison, and came not far from his cellar, Henry didn't know what to expect.

She approached him, with a pleasant and cruel smile on her lips, which was both appealing and terrifying.

"Hello there, she whispered to her grandson. How are doing, kid ?

- Not very well, he answered bitterly.

- Oh... you don't like the place where you are ?

- Not at all. In reality, I hate it."

Snow White smiled again. The boy was... quite funny. And interesting. And maybe a little weird.

Like his mother, in a way.

"Didn't you want to see me ? She demanded.

- Yes, of course, but the guards told me you didn't want to come in ?

- Well, of course. I am the queen, remember?"

Oh yeah, that was something he couldn't forget, even if he wanted to.

"No, you're not."

It was a great mistake, and Henry knew it at the moment he told it to Snow.

He saw her face become red with anger, and her smile disappeared.

Oh, Henry though, I should have choose another moment.

But she succeeded to calm herself, and another smile took place on her face.

It didn't reassure the adolescent, it almost more frightened him.

Because he never saw his grand-mother have that look on her face.

"You think so ? So, tell me, who is the real queen, if it's not me, hum ? Regina ?"

He didn't dare to answer.

But he had to try despite everything.

"You're not who you think you are.

- Maybe that's the contrary, she automatically answered. Maybe that I am not what you think I am.

- That could be a possibility. But the thing is that I know who I am, and I perfectly know who you're, grand-ma...

- STOP IT ! Snow exploded. RIGHT NOW ! I accepted your... disobedience for too long kid. So now, you will call as you must.

- How ? Asked Henry ?

He already knew, of course. He was testing her. He shouldn't have.

He felt something on his throat, that stopped him breathing, like a hand. And then, he understood, by seeing that she didn't move.

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