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after dance practice is finished and all the boys were sweaty and tired, jimin as usual stays behind longer than anyone else to try and get his moves perfect. he has the center position in the chorus where he lifts his shirt and spins. he's in there now, doing the move over and over again, the music playing in his earbuds so he doesn't have to walk far to replay the section every time he wants to a re-do.

namjoon walks in slowly, giving jimin ample time to notice him in the mirrors and unhook his earbuds.

"what's up hyung?" he chirps, slightly out of breath.

namjoon scuffs the floor, buying time. he's not too sure how to bring this up with jimin. what does he say?

hey are you okay?

um, so you've been avoiding yoongi a lot.

i know you're going through hard times but, well you should talk to yoongi and ah-

"is this about yoongi-hyung?" jimin asks nervously.

namjoon nods.

"i know what you want to say," jimin says hesitantly, his hands hooking into belt buckles and clinging onto them there. he mirrors namjoon, shuffling his sneakers. they squeak along the wooden floor and both boys wince.

"sorry," the younger apologizes, quick and flightly. "and i'll talk to yoonhi-hyung, i will. it's just..."

"just?" namjoon prompts him.

jimin swallows. "it's just i'm worried he hates me."

"he'd never hate you," namjoon bursts out, louder than he intended. jimin is looking at him with wide eyes like some startled faun. "i mean, seokjin told me the only reason he stopped cutting a while back was because it made you sad. he cares about you jimin. your opinion matters to him. he'd never hate you."

jimin eyes soften at that. "really?" he whispers in a cracked tone.

namjoon smiles, warm and large and goofy. "really," he promises. "let's head back early and surprise them all."

he holds out one hand in offer and jimin grins and lets namjoon wrap his arm around his shoulder and lead him home.

hi this is why jimin & yoongi haven't been speaking also i made a tag/rant book called CHOKE go read it before i choke you. jkjk im too nice

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