Chapter 36

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Kissing her softly, I trailed from her lips down to her jaw line and kissed it tenderly, "Ast, why are you such a good kisser?" She whispered "I'm not sure, never knew I was" "man, I need you right now" "naa uh" "huh?" "No sex" I warned "oh Ast, please" "nope" "why not?" "You said so yourself" I whispered on to her lips "ignore what I said" she moaned "nope" I teased as she huffed with annoyance "ARE YOU TWO COMING BACK DOWN?" Oritsé called up to you both "NO" she called back "Ast, please" she moaned, like a school girl "OKAY" Oritsé called back up "no, 'cause you said that you’re not giving me sex, so why should I give you sex?" "'Cause you’re sexy" She said making me chuckle "no sex (Yourname)" "oh please Aston" she wined, as I sighed "no sex" I said again, as I pecked her lips, but she managed to bite hold of my lip "ah!" I said taken in shock and a little bit of pain "(Yourname)" I said quietly, as she let go of it, but she caught hold of my shoulders, as I went to get up, but then she wrapped her legs around my waist, which sent me up against the wall, but this started getting me excited, so I started off with a little bit of a bulge, but I made sure it stayed down "please Ast, I'm dying for you here, I can feel you want" she said desperately "but no sex" "I don't care, I want sex with you Aston! What sort of man turns down sex?" "Me" "you’re not a real man then, are you?" "What? You wanna say that again?" I asked as she had already slipped off me and walked over to the bed and sat down on it "you’re not a real man" "yes I am" "no" "yes" "prove it" she winked as I had made my way over to her as the little debate went on "if you think you’re a real man, you should prove it" she teased as I climbed over her and kissed her slowly "Ast, please hurry up" "rush me and you won't get anywhere" "ASTON! I need you in me, oh please" she wined, but I started to feel bad, so I trailed a few hot kisses around the waistline of her knickers, before pulling her knickers off, then tracing my fingers over her, which seemed to have gotten her in her place, her eyes closed and her mouth dropped open "Aston, you still have your gentle touch" she sighed in pleasure as I smiled "good" I replied, as I made my touch a little faster, making her back arch slightly "oh gosh Ast" she sighed in pleasure "oh yeah.... Yes.... Fuck.... Yes.... Right there.... Faster.... Oh yes.... Aston, oh my days" she sighed in pleasure, but I knew she hadn't finished, but I took my hand away and gave her back her knickers "why did you stop?" She asked quietly, "because I did" I said bluntly, as I got up, "but that's not fair" she said quietly as she got her knickers on and wrapped the blanket around her "what isn't?" "That I finished you, but...." She cut herself off "and I didn't finish you off?" "Well yeah" she said quietly and looked a little bit embarrassed as she sat on the edge of the bed, with her legs shut and her body leaned over slightly "has it put you off having sex?" "Yeah" she said quietly "good, that's what I wanted" I said as I walked over to my bedroom door.

(Yourname)'s POV:

"What?" You asked quietly "are you falling for these games aren't you" he chuckled as a tear filled your eye, but you grabbed one of his pillows and threw it at him "oi! What did you do that for?" He asked slightly shocked "you just took an advantage out of me! You prick" you cursed as he stood there and stared at you "I didn't...." "Yes you did! I felt your body right until you done what you needed to do, but you only do half the job I did.... And it’s feeling and seeing my body.... Just took an advantage out of it.... Now if you think your gonna have sex with me, think again" you told him bluntly, as you got up and walked past him and headed for the door, but before you even got there a arm grabbed hold of it and pinned you back on the bed "Ast, get off me" you said struggling to get out of his grip "shut up" he hissed as you stopped struggling and looked at him with tear filled eyes "if you wanna do these games, your gonna have to deal with them properly, otherwise we might as well have sex now and say that you have failed them" he hissed slightly, his words trickling out of his mouth as he spoke right next to your ear "just let me go" you said struggling to get out of his grip, as he let you go, but all you did was get up and run out of his bedroom, down the stairs in floods of tears. "(Yourname)" the group gasped, as they saw your face soaked with tears, but you just put on all your clothes and dropped the blanket, before running out and in to your car just as Aston was at the bottom of the stairs....

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