Lesson 2

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To catch a Greek billionaire, you must make him want to catch you.

He said: My love, if memory doesn't fail me, I had no choice but to catch you since you were about to fall flat on your face.

She said: Note to editor – please delete his comment. I'll think of something else for this part.

Damen Leventis had finally found the next woman he wanted to warm his bed.

He didn't know her name, didn't know anything about her, but it didn't matter. She intrigued him – everything about this woman fascinated Damen ever since he had unintentionally walked in on her conversation with his sister.

Having found them by using the GPS he had installed in Diana's bracelet, Damen had been about to announce his presence when the woman's earnestly spoken words arrested him. And like his sister, the woman's views had completely delighted him.

Traffic in the skies and seas. Officers sky-gliding and jetskiing to monitor movement.

And when he had seen her –


Her face was bare of makeup, her dark brown hair held neatly back with a simple lace band. She wore a loose yellow dress, and he had a feeling it was meant to hide her bountiful curves. It was a stupid idea, and Damen was determined to make her realize that her body was beautiful just the way it was the moment he had her all to himself.

Even as he embraced Diana, Damen kept his gaze on the woman, letting her know without any doubt that it would be his absolute pleasure to teach her the wonders of sinning with him – and only with him.

As Diana's brother released her with softly murmured words in Greek, his intensely heated gaze refocused on Mairi, causing a flurry of heat to rush through her body. It centered on her most private part, making her flustered as she tried to press her thighs close together under her dress.

Satisfaction coursed through Damen at the pinkness coloring the woman's cheeks. Did she know what she was doing right this very moment? Did she know how those little glances of hers, the way she blushed, the way her body trembled – did she know that all of it was communicating her response to his command?

Mairi finally managed to tear her gaze off Damen Leventis. She had no choice. If she didn't, she would die from lack of oxygen. She pressed her thighs tightly together. Oh dear. She was too...wet. This sort of thing happened all the time to her favorite heroines the first time they had met their Greek billionaires, but Mairi hadn't expected the very same thing to happen to her.

So this...was a good thing. Right?

When both Leventis siblings reached her, Mairi tried not to stiffen when Diana's brother chose to stand next to her. His nearness made her body react even more strongly to his presence, and she prayed to all the Greek gods who were awake that her panties would not end up leaking. She was too wet. Impossibly so. Was this really happening?

Diana was all smiles now. "Damen, here is someone I am excited for you to meet. She is my English teacher, Ms. Yay."

One dark brow lifted at the words, and Mairi cringed.

"Ms. Yay?" His tone was lazily amused, his gaze still scorching hot. But when Diana giggled, his gaze immediately snapped towards his sister.


Mairi's heart contracted at the look in Damen Leventis' eyes. He cared about his sister. Whatever had made Diana insecure, it wasn't because of Damen. It was clear that he loved his sister and that he didn't care if the whole world knew it.

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