Chapter 6

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* They broadcast for a half of an hour

To Be Continued:
Me and Summer were sitting down, in a chair,

The boys went to go get something to eat or something,

I was sitting mg in my chair, messing with my hands, when all the sudden I felt something cold and wet, pourball over me, as if I'm never cold all the time now,

I looked behind me, there stood Jacob and Mark

I looked at Summer, she's cold and wet also,

Me: Fucking Macob!
I yelled, it just came out😂

Mark burster out laughing, along with Jacob

Summer: I can't fucking believe you two
She said as she stood up

I got so cold, I've started to get cold all the time, from the lack of food

Me: Jacob, I'm extremely cold, right now
I said as I threw off the flannel, revealing only my sports bra

Me: Shit!
I yelled as I ran towards, someone's room, I'm guessing Jacob or Marks

I ran to their dresser grabbed a random t-shirt and some sweats

No sleeves, I looked thru them, none

I raced to the bathroom, and quickly changed, my scars may show, so I hugged my chest,

I slowly came out of the bathroom, and walked to the living room, were everyone else was

Summer pushed Mark

Mark: What was that for

Summer punched Jacob in the stomach

They both fell to the floor in pain

Summer: Mess with is again, Selfie and SweatShirt Boy!

I laughed

They got up

Mark: Aww! My fangirly is wearing my clothes! There to big for her!
He said running up to me, wrapping his arms around me, I stayed hugging my chest

Me: you have a swear shirt?
I asked Mark

Mark and Jacob: Yes
They looked at eachother

And Jacob took off to his room

So did Mark

They both had one in their hands, and ran towards me, Jacob pushed him to the wall, and gave his sweat shirt to me

Mark got up, and they laughed

Me: Not that serious Jacob, I just needed a sweatshirt, I didn't want talk to Compete over me

Me: Give yours to Summer

He did, but sadly, and dramatically

You Think I'm Perfect? Think Again // Mark ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now