Final part

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Days passed by but misunderstanding b/w fab3 and manik was still there. Manik was very hurt by that. Fab3 also knew that . They were also missing manik but not ready to accept nandini. Cabir also tried many times to make them understand that nandini is best girl for manik and they  should accept her. 
On insistence of nandini manik also talked with them and they also accepted manik with nandini only because they dont want to lose manik and fab5 . But somewhere deep in mukti's and alya's heart they still think that nandini is only behind manik's money.

Nandini knew that they have not still accepted her fully but she was somewhat happy that atleast they give her a chance. She always try to talk with them and be friendly with them but they didnt receprocated equally. It hurted nandini but she didnt show it as she didnt want to hurt manik after so much struggle he got his friends back. He also knew that there is long way to go. Mukti and alya still not accepted her but he has full faith on his angle that she will win there heart.

It was day of there last exam . As soon as there exam finished manik called nandini. But she didnt picked his call. He tried again and again but get the same response. He then went to his class to see her . But she was not there. He asked someone that when she left and he said about 10 mins ago.

He then started searching for her . Panick was clearly visible in his face. Meanwhile fab4 came and asked him whats the matter . They also started to search her.

Manik calm down she must be with navya. You should call her said mukti.

Manik called navya but she said nandini is not with her.

Manik was hell tensed now.

Navya also come there and started to search with them.

How careless is she. If she had to go somewhere atleast she can inform manik.  See how tensed he is murmured alya to mukti but unfortunately manik heard it.

Just shutup alya yelled manik in anger. She is not careless ok. If you want you can go . I will not listen a word against her.

Dhruv calmed him down and also made alya understand to not said anything.  She also understand her fault as manik was genuinely very tensed and she should not have said that.

They then see the cctv footage. In which it is shown that nandini was standing near parking and some guy come from behind and close her mouth with hankey then picked her and then left in a van.

Seeing this manik was all lost. He didnt know what to do now. He was cursing himself for all this.

Cabir somehow calm him and they went to police station . They noted the van no and also try to track her phone. They somehow reach the location.

When they reach there they were shocked to see the person behind this. It was nyonika. Manik knew that she is money minded but never thought that she can stoop  so low.

Nandini was tied there in chair and her forhead was bleeding . Maybe someome beat her there.  She was crying . And her hand was also injured.

Nyonika saw fab5 and police there but she didnt flinch a bit . Infact she showed them a gun and pointed it in nandini's head .

Manik go from here otherwise you will lose her said nyonika evilly.

Nyonika plz leave her plz  i beg you. You want money na i will give you but plz leave her.

Nyonika was busy in talking with manik and getting the chance cabir somehow freed nandini . As soon as she got free she run towards manik and hide behind him.

Nyonika again got furious as she lost her chance to kill nandini.

Manik give her to me. Otherwise i will shoot you.  Nyonika said pointing her gun towards manik who was hiding nandini behind him.

I am not afraid of you nyonika said manik.

Manik i am giving you last opportunity leave her or i will shoot but manik didnt tilt a bit.

And on the countdown of 1 2 3 she shoot him.

Everything freeze there . Fab5 was shocked with the evilness in nyonika  who can shoot her own son.

Police arrested nyonika.

But but but manik didnt get hurt as nandini came in front of him when nyonika shooted him.

Police take nyonika with them.

Here nandini was lying in manik's lap and pool of blood was there.

He was patting her cheeks and crying.

Nandu baby plz open your eyes plz jaan. Plz . Said manik amidst tears.

Manik hold yourself we need to go hospital fast.

And they reach hospital.

She was in icu and fighting for her life.

Manik was just sitting in corner l8ke a statute. He was questioning God that why they are punishing them so much. What they have done . Why they cant be happy.

Manik we are sorry said mukti .

Yes manik we were wrong about nandini she didnt care about her life for you. We were wrong about her plz manik forgive us said alya.

But manik didnt reply them .

After 5 hours of opeartion nandini was out of danger .  When she got her concious back . Manik went to meet her.

He was broken badly broken. He didnt belive his mother can do that. He was broken by seeing nandini lying lifeless. He was broken with all the fighting with his friends.

He sat beside nandini. Feeling his presence she open her eyes. But hurt to see him. He was sitting like a lifeless person. She try to saw in his eyes but they were blank .

She shook him .

Manik plz talk to me.  See i am ok . Nothing happened see.

In return he gave her his faint smile.

She knew he is hurt badly. And need to let out all. Itz tough to bear that your mother try to kill  your lover.

Manik plz talk to me otherwise i will again hurt my self.

And she hit the right chord .

Nooo he shouted and hugged her tightly.  Tears started to burst from his eyes.

Plz plz dont leave me. I am sorry . I am sorry. It all happened becoz of me. But plz dont leave me nandini plz.

Nandini somehow calmed him with her love.

After 1 week she got discharge.

In this 1 week manik didnt leave her even for a minute .

Alya and mukti again asked for forgiveness but manik said that he cant forgive them now . It took them nandini's life to realise that she is not wrong.

Days passed like this mukti and alya again and again tried for forgiveness. They were really guilty  and ashamed with them.

They now started loving nandini .

After so many months manik forgive them on nandini's insistence.

Now fab5 is back with bang and they hit many sucessfull albums.

Nyonika was still in jail.

When manik turned 21. Manan got married legally.

And they live happily ever after.


So my first story got completed finally.

I am gonna miss this.

Are you?

Plz atleast vote and comment  now.

All silent readers plz vote and comment.

And plz ignore the mistakes.

And thanks for the love you all give to this story.

And byeee


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