Suffication and sharp pains

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It gave me a hug that was unwanted, it felt so wrong. I was scared, and alone.
It turned me around and I can no longer breathe, it was joking right?
I'm afraid it wasn't.
I couldn't defend myself, for I am too weak to do such a thing.
I was a mouse and it was a snake, but there was hawks coming for it, but couldn't they have come sooner?
Everything went black, I wanted it to stay that way, I was too scared to awaken. But it let air enter my lungs once again. I couldn't move, the lack of air made my body even weaker. It pulled me down and stabbed me right in the eye, something I did not feel, but The rush sure woke me up. It took the blade of the scissors and scrapped on my neck, I screamed for my life until it covered my mouth, I grabbed the scissors, it bit me. I told it what it wanted to hear, that I'd leave the one that's always made me truly happy alone. It stopped, it comforted me until help came. The hawks flew in, I knew in those moments what it felt like to be dead, it's been so long since then really.
So why do I remember it so vividly?

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