T o u c h

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I fear the thought of someone laying a hand on me, I fear letting someone in, I fear so much for I am better off a loner.
Please don't wrap your arm around me
Please don't touch the back of my head
For it gives me bad memories.
It's come to my attention that I am "popular" in school, for what exactly? My trauma. Well why would it matter, my wall was built back up again.
I can't let anyone in, the world is too unsafe. I must stay inside, and stay in touch with whom I already have. So if you see the small fragile girl, walking the halls. Just let her walk, please. She wants no new friends, and barely wants the ones she already has. She wants everything to just stop and pause for just the slightest minute, silence.
She fears one day it will come back, or maybe even a new it will try to break in.
So please don't, T O U C H.

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