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Alexia's P.O.V
My first day as a real hero! Flying around with Mom was the best thing. "Alright, Astragirl, your first interview is with Ms. Grant. Make sure your mask is on." I put on my black eye mask. Mom's friend made my suit just like Mom's but all black with the insignia still in color.

We swooped into Ms. Grant's office. "Oh, Supergirl. I see you brought your little Super in training." She eyed me. "Alright, Superbaby," I corrected her. "It's Astragirl." She leaned forward. "Oh. Nice name. Moving on, how did you meet the Girl of Steel?" I swallowed hard. I went blank. "She's my daughter." Ms. Grant looked flabbergasted. "Care to explain?" She said while writing something on a legal pad. I heard police sirens go past Catco. "Mom," I said and before I knew it Ms. Grant had snapped a picture of me mid-flight out the window.

We flew down the street after a squad of police cars that were apparently in a chase with two other cars. I flew and landed in front of one of the cars. The culprits flew threw the windshield and I nabbed them. They tried shooting me then they tried punching me. "If the bullets don't work then why the punching?" I asked before slamming them together. "A little aggressive, but overall good." Mom critiqued me.

We flew around the rest of the day saving lives and upholding truth and justice. We got home at around 5 and it was game night, the lamest night of the week. Mom, Blonde Mom, Aunt Alex, Aunt Maggie, Mr. J'onn, Mr. James and Mr. Winn all got to play the cool games, while I had to babysit M'ronn, Ryan, and Jerome.

It wasn't hard, you just had to keep them from killing each other. It's not like little M'ronn couldn't throw Jerome into the sun but I wasn't gonna let him.

Baby Ryan (Schott) was so fat and adorable. He liked sitting in my lap and chewing on my necklace. He looked at me with his little blue eyes and smiled. M'ronn was chewing on a piece of lead and little Jerome was just kinda laying there.

My phone dinged, it was Kristie.

From: 😉🎉Grant Girl

From: 😏Lexy😏
Hey, what's up?

From: 😉🎉Grant Girl
Nothing, really, I just....

From: 😏Lexy😉
You just what?

She stopped responding after that. Dangit. Why did I have to be so aggressive? I threw down my phone and turned my attention back to a sleeping Ryan. M'ronn had also fallen asleep. Little Jerome was still laying there, staring of into space.

I put M'ronn and Ryan into their car seats and picked little Jerome. I started singing to him:

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you, go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart and my heart will go on and on

Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're gone.

I laid Jerome down and a cough behind me made me turn. Everybody was staring at me. "What?" I asked.

Everybody just sat back down. After game night, it started pouring rain. I yawned and went to brush my teeth. As I opened my eyes after washing my face, I saw Mom, headless in the mirror. I blinked my eyes rapidly.

There was nothing there. I splashed my face again. What the biscuit? I turned off the light and tripped over my baseball bat.

I heard stomping coming toward my room. A knock sounded through my room. "Chas, you alright ?" I groaned. "Yes ma'am!" I shouted. I heard stomps go into the back.

I got up and fell again when a streak of lightning scared the beans outta me. I got up and finally went to bed. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. I could hear the rain falling in my dream.

Headless Mom, Red Kryptonite Supergirl, and an evil Lex were all coming toward me. The tiger in me unattached itself and was after me too.

There was nothing I could do, I was bound in chains. I pulled at them with all my might but they didn't budge. It was over. They all jumped on me at once. Red kryptonite Supergirl picked me up by my hair and right before her heat vision burned a hole in me, I woke up.

I hate storms.

Chasity Alexia Luthor (Supergirl AU) Where stories live. Discover now