(SnO random) Letter to all those who...

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Letter to those who ship mayura besides shimon (or the other way around) and hates shimayu

(Reminder: No offense and pls don't take it seriously, this is my opinion okay?)


ear Haters

I'm very sorry if i offended you that i don't ship *takes a deep breath*

(You may skip this)

• Tenma x Mayura
• Rokuro x Shimon
Yuto x Mayura
Seigen x Shimon
• Rokuro x Mayura
• Benio x Shimon
Higano x Mayura
•Tenma x Shimon
• Benio x Mayura
• etc (or maybe its too many)

Its just that i think its stupid and i think it would NEVER happen, i just ship ShiMayu more and why ship Roku with Shimon? YAOI? okay i get it k? BTW I'm not a yaoi shipper, what about Benio? With Mayura? So this time its Yuri 😂 but seriously why? I just want to know the reason.


WHY? Just the thought of it makes me cringe.

Also this might be true, i just heard it BTW...that you ship Mayura to someone else so that Shimon would stay single (forever)

I'm laughing srsly 😂😂😂😂

Or for the FANBOYS (Which is rare) maybe (don't take it seriously) you ship shimon to others so that Mayura would stay single.

Oh lol XD i just heard this i cant believe it..but maybe its true?

*ahem* don't be selfish please (T.T) i know the feeling that you cant "date" or "Love" that fictional character back.

That's life guys.

And Rokuro is for Benio right?

They're the TWIN STARS


Oh lol I'm still (a little) obsessed with this Manga/Anime.

Is it weird?

Anyways back to the topic.

Shimon is for Mayura.

Shimon also said it himself (right? XD) that (in the anime..i dunno if its on manga sorry) its because of Fate.

(Not sure anymore but I'm sure 😂😂😂)

At first i didn't understood it lol.

I'm stupid XD oh and its the creator to decide who their partner/s is. He might make that character single and that to partner the other character.

Lol its confusing but its true.

Its his anime/manga.

So don't just go HATE other ships.

Like "THEY SUCK" "*Insert shipname* IS BETTER THAN THAT"

Seriously its nonsense.

If the creator knew this he might feel guilty (lol.)

Cuz he started a fight in the internet because of his characters 😂😂

But it all started because of the bashers/haters.

Well Haters gonna hate

Well we all have opinions about something right? I'm just sharing my opinion right now. And please stop like saying "Hate" stuff.

The internet is becoming a battlefield on us Otakus/Anime/Manga Lovers lol

Hope you understand. And again No Offense.


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