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Mentions of physical abuse. Proceed with caution.

Snape stormed up to the entrance of the Headmasters office and turned the corner with the swish of his cloak. He walked up to the staircase and recited the password.

"Toffee apples." He said and began the climb to his office. He knocked once on the door, and strolled in, without waiting for a reply. "What do you need Headmaster? I have classes to prepare for, the next year starts in a few weeks." He was extremely annoyed that Dumbledore had called him, especially if there wasn't a good reason.

"Ah Severus, straight to the point. Sherbet Lemon?" Dumbledore gestured to the bowl on his desk. Severus stared at the old man.

"No thank you." Was his repetitive reply. He wished that he would stop asking that. He had informed Dumbledore of his non-existent sweet tooth. "What do you want?"

"Well Severus as you know most children start to show their magical qualities at the ages of 6 and above." Severus nodded, though he still didn't understand what this had to do with him. "You are also aware that it has been 8 years since I left Harry Potter in the care of his Uncle and Aunt, because of the blood wards"

"What is your point Headmaster?" Severus was beginning to feel impatient, and began tapping his foot on the floor, though he found it irritating if anyone else did it.

"I need you to check up on the boy and see how he's doing, if he possesses any magical qualities, though I have no doubts that he does." Snape held back a glare, is that it?

"Why me Headmaster? Can't you do it?" Dumbledore shook his head and then popped a sweet in his mouth, he chewed before answering.

"I'm am going away for a few weeks, to Romania, something about a past student needing a reference to become a Dragon Trainer, and of course I couldn't refuse."

"Of course. But what about Mcgonagall? Can't she go?" Snape didn't particularly want to see the boy, it was a Potter spawn, and he knew the moment he would lay eyes on him, that he would hate him. Lily's death was because of him. Snape sighed mentally. He was being ridiculous, the child didn't ask to be born, nor did he ask for a prophecy.

"She is attending some errands too. I wouldn't ask unless I needed to Severus." Dumbledore eyes sparkled. "He's still Lily's son." Severus turned away before walking to the door. He placed his hand on the handle before stopping.

"When should I go?" Hand still rested on the cool brass.

"Tomorrow would suit best" replied the Headmaster, with a chuckle, and Snape flounced out of the room without another word.


As no one had come to check on Harry in the past eight years that he had been sent to live with the Dursleys, his aunt, uncle, and their miniature whale of a son, they had no idea the horrible conditions that the poor boy lived in.

It was the second week of August, and though only Autum, the Dursleys didn't approve of central heating, and Harrys bedroom became quite cold. And by 'bedroom' I don't mean a room, no, the Dursleys forced the boy to sleep under the stairs, even though they had a spare room. The poor boy was also starved many days at a time, and treated as if he were a slave. They made him cook and clean, and if none of his Aunt of Uncles demands were met, the punishments were quite severe.

One day when Harry had been washing the dishes, as the Dursleys enjoyed some afternoon telly, the plate Harry had finished drying, had gotten too heavy for the small and weak boy, which caused him to drop it. Naturally it smashed, with alerted Harry's Uncle Vernon to his mistake.

LET ME TAKE HIM - ON HOLD/NOT FINISHED Where stories live. Discover now