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The room's one window, too high for Harry too look out of unless he stood on the bed, gave a fantastic view of the sunrise over the countless houses in the street of Spinners End. Snape was still asleep, or so Harry guessed as the house was dead silent, and the reflection of the rising sun showed how early it was, and so he took this time to stare out of the window. It gave him an odd sense of freedom that the Dursleys had never given him, he felt unrestrained and independent, in a good way.

Harry looked back into the room, the open window gave a marvellous outline of Harry's shadow from the sun onto the door. He heard a noise next door and the creaking of wood, Severus was awake, so Harry closed the window and sat on his bed with one of his borrowed books. It was about a school called Hogwarts, he found it very interesting.

Snape soon surfaced into Harry's room fully dressed, with a grouchy look on his face, he was definitely not a morning person.

"Good morning." He said rather stiffly, his eyebrows that were furrowed together vaguely reminded Harry of caterpillars but he thought best not to point this out.

"Good morning" He replied instead.

"Do you want to come downstairs? I'm making breakfast." Harry nodded and followed the older man downstairs who led him into a small kitchen. Harry was ushered into one of the chairs as Snape set the kettle to boil and brought out some bread and two plates. Harry watched him awkwardly as it was usually his job to perform such tasks.

"Do you need any help?" The boy finally asked. Snape stopped what he was doing and faced Harry, with a sigh.

"I'm fine thank you. Would you like something to drink. Water perhaps?" Harry nodded in thanks and Snape gave him a glass. He finished cooking the breakfast and the two ate in silence, unsure of what to say in the awkward situation.

"Thank you" Harry said when Snape took his plate from him. "Not just for breakfast but for taking me away from my Aunt and Uncle."

"That's quite alright Harry. Now today I have some work to do so you can sit in my sort-of library until I'm done okay? Please don't disturb me unless it's an emergency. You can read any of these books and they should explain a bit more about the wizarding world." He walked Harry to the living room and then disappeared under the stairs.

Harry strolled around the room and picked one at random labelled History Of Magic he guessed he ought to start there. He opened the book to the contents page and saw an interesting chapter about witch hunts and learned that when the witches or wizards where caught that they did not burn as Harry had learned in school but they felt 'an odd tickling sensation'. He continued reading about Wizarding villages until he felt restless and bored of this book.

And so he, once again, picked another random book called Advanced Potion Making, Harry browsed through the never ending array of recipes, he found it very fascinating. He especially liked the potion of Felix Felicis and he thought that it could bring someone luck in the form of a liquid.

He soon got bored of the mundane potions and browsed a little further on the bookshelf to find more intricate recipes that had lasting effects. The book was quite large and so he sat down and rested it on his lap. As he was reading he heard a crackle and a splutter and looked up to find the fire had sprung to life of its own accord. In the middle of the fire sat and oddly shaped log.

"And who might you be?" The log asked Harry.

"Ah!" Harry jumped, he hadn't expected the log to talk. But he assumed it was something magical and so he composed himself. "Um...I'm Harry" He stuttered in response.

"Is Severus there? I need to talk to him." The log sounded very posh, and he had long hair, a bit like a girls, even in the orange of the fire it seemed to shine bright silver. He didn't smile but he knew Severus so that's something.

LET ME TAKE HIM - ON HOLD/NOT FINISHED Where stories live. Discover now