chapter two- another murder another mystery

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not knowing what to do with the dead body of Bonnie Joey and Brian had to carry her out of the manor and put her in a home made grave in the garden, everyone had helped dig and payed their last respects. however the one thing on everyone's minds, what killed her? more to the point who?

 and will there be another killing? will it be me?

 all of these thing were pounding through their heads.

that night after the mini funeral they headed back to the boys room. "so, what are we gonna do? surly all nine of us cant stay in one room!" Meredith, always telling the truth.

 "why, don't you trust us?" Brian teased. Meredith shot a look a Brian which clearly told him to watch it, she wasn't in the mood for a laugh.

 "we'll just set boundary's" Lauren said as she stood up and walked towards Joe.W "pen please" Lauren said kindly, in a situation like this Lauren would almost never say please, but Joe gave her the pen she wanted.

joey was giving out red vines to everyone and quoting his version of Ron to cheer people up, Brian was singing kick it up a notch quietly with Dylan, Joe Moses was repeatedly going waooooo when ever someone said something, the others were quite normal. Lauren drew a line on the floor one side of the room to the other, half and half.

 "boys on this side girls over here." Lauren said countably.

 "wait, we don't have beds!" Joe pointed out the obvious.

 "oh course you don't, we're girls and we want the beds" Lauren said, she didn't want to sound mean or anything but boys are alright to sleep on the floor.

Joe smiled he knew what Lauren meant. "TANYA!" Brian yelled out, Lauren started to make the boys beds on the floor with Jamie and Denise.

 after the beds were made and everyone was happy, worried but happy, Dylan stood up and walked towards the door.

 "where are you going!" Joe.M said in a very scared tone

."well someone's gotta fill up the car haven't they?" it fell quiet, "just keep your phones on, it'll be fine, then you can tell me if anything happens. right?" they all nodded, they knew he was right, he always was.

 "i'll come too" Joe.W stood up Lauren pounced and caught him by the leg so he was dragging her along the floor.

 "Lauren!?" Lauren was giving Joe puppy dog eye's

 "please don't go, we need you here!" Lauren felt close to tears, why why was she feeling this?

 "Lauren I've got your number, we're only going to get petrol" Joe reached down and helped Lauren up, "you said it yourself Lo, gotta get back up" he hoped this would cheer his best friend up.

 Lauren couldn't fight it anymore she cried and hugged Joe so hard that he couldn't breath.

 "hey hey hey.. Lo," he saw her crying so bad.

 "remember, big mama umbridge tears" Joe said in his Umbridge voice that always made Lauren smile.

 and she did, "just don't go... forever"

 Lauren said in her sad sniffling voice.

 "don't worry...i'll always be with you guys, in here" Joe pointed to her heart and walked away leaving Lauren motionless, frozen and on edge.

Lauren watched as Dylan and Joe drove away talking looking very serious. why? just the Joe.M and Meredith came over.

 "hey, Lo-" Meredith was cut out by Lauren

 "don't cal me that! Lo, Lo the only person who can call me that is Joe!"

 Meredith wasn't surprised at her out burst, this was Lauren on a bad day, not hyper not laughing not Lauren.

 Joe stated to talk to Lauren, "Lauren, he's gonna be OK, you know that, hey... want a red vine?" Lauren took one and Joe patted her head and walked away.

 it was now about 1:30 in the morning and Everyone was asleep, Joe and Dylan were back and alright,

a phone went off, Joey woke up straight away, (light sleeper)

 Joey let out a half gasp/scream when he read what the message was, and what was attached.

 everyone was now awake, "what is it Joey?" Brian walked over to Joey's bed and sat next to a scared whimpering Joey.

 "what the... *gasp*" Brains lip wobbled, as it did when ever he would cry.

 "what are we gonna do?" Joey asked Brian and Joe.W took his phone to have a look.

 Joe took charge again, "Joey do you recognize this place from the photo?"

 the text the Joey had received was from a unknown number.

 it said who's gonna be next Joey?

 with a picture to horrible to describe, blood again someone lying dead on the floor of somewhere in the manor.

who was it? and what did they want with Joey?

Joey shook his head.  "OK lets go see.." Joe paired everyone up to go and find this person.

 Meredith-Jamie    Denise-Dylan    Brian-Joey    Lauren-Joe

but there was one thing that no one realized...

Meredith and Jamie went to look up stares with Brian and Joey, Denise and Dylan looked down stairs with Lauren and Joe.  Lauren didn't talk to Joe at all, she was so embarrassed from how she acted the other day, Joe didn't talk ether he knew when to leave Lauren alone.  

"OMG!!" Denise's voice echoed and finished with a scream!  "guys! come quick!" Dylan's voise followed Denise's fast. 

Denise was frozen in horror at what she was looking at, as the others came they joined her, they were looking at Joe Moses, again, DEAD, Joe had big hand marks around his neck, he was strangled.  again they were crying but not Joe.W he was looking at Joe, the dead Joe.

 "guys!" Joe's voice sounded exited

 "don't tell me your happy about this you creep!" Jamie didn't realize the obvious

 "what? no! look!" Joe was pointing to Joe.M's hand

 "yeah.. what about it?" Dylan could now be heard.

 Joe grabbed Joe.M's hand and opened it to reveal a note,

 "whats that?" Joey asked

 "a clue" Brian said walking towards the Joe's

 "ohh, whats it say?" Lauren asked quietly

 Brian read out..

to catch the rouge you must be sweet,                                                                                                              riddle me this at B@man's blake.

 find the hey,

 find the mask,

 find the candy,

 peace at last.

Meredith was thinking, "find the mask?, find the candy...hmmm... candy..CANDY! of course!" Meredith was walking fast and wasn't going to stop. "HOW COULD YOU!!"

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