Chapter 3 part II/II - Castaways

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The next morning it was raining. Ragar went hunting with the Predators to train the new member. Kar was thrilled. Aragen's instincts told her that his bloodlust was growing by the day. Some day he will make a great Darkwolf she thought. Yes, that is how she would name her pack in spirit.

She sat in the corner of the cabin and watched the flicker of the candle flame. After a while, she took the candleand let hot wax drip onto her open palm. Physical pain seemed to dampen her broken heart which at the same time filled her with a sense of power. Aragen felt her true nature was forming and rising to the surface. She was becoming more aware of her own superiority. Once again, she felt change was in the air.

Her mother sat on the other side, hugging herself with her arms, rocking her body to and fro, muttering continuously: "Bastard, bastard, she stole him from me ... she stole him. But revenge will be mine, I will reclaim what is rightfully yours my little girl. Everything will be yours! Everything, everything!"

The rest of the pack were in the forest sheltering from the rain. Aragen left the cabin and headed towards the trees. She was drenched to the bone before she even got there. The Young gazed on as water ran down her half-naked skin. Amitha approached her.

"I'd like to talk to you, Aragen," she said pleadingly. "Wenir told me everything."

"Of course, after all, you share everything, don't you?" Aragen smiled ironically. "We'll talk, but not now. When the moon rises, we'll meet at the rock which we discovered together when we first arrived here."

Amitha nodded. Aragen turned away. As she did so she caught sight of Wenir. He was leaning against a tree, looking at her with pity. She felt the infuriation locked inside her grow even more and became more determined to carry out her intentions. No one would mess with her again.

It continued to rain for the rest of the day. Locked away in her cabin, she ran through the details of her plan, again and again. She was determined. No one could convince her otherwise. Hatred and humiliation bothered her. Her mother had been right all along. She was her father's only true daughter, no one else! She would no longer call anybody else her sister or brother! She refused to accept the pain, but deep inside, the betrayal was consuming her.

Aragen was one of the first to rise after dinner. She was aware of what she was going to do, but all the love she felt she had had died inside her. As she walked past her father she paused to lightly kiss him on the forehead. In that split second she was overwhelmed by a sense of foreboding, a feeling that she would never see him again.

She wandered aimlessly through the trees of the forest for a while accompanied only by their shadows, sniffing the different scents that floated on the air. Darkness came quickly. As the moon's beams began to penetrate the branches, she took the familiar meandering path to the mountain. Aragen followed it until she came out at the top of the cliff, the exact same spot where she and her sister had stood on the first evening.

Amitha was already standing there looking out into the night landscape. For a while Aragen chose to remain hidden behind some undergrowth, watching her back, confronted by her own memories. They had pledged mutual loyalty and promised to stand by each other. Aragen had believed her and loved her, but Wenir should be hers and nobody else's.

Aragen snapped back to reality, moved forward and stood directly behind Amitha.

"You did not tell me about him."

Amitha turned with a start. "I wanted to, Aragen, I was going to!"

"You knew he was mine. I wanted him years ago. As a child, I already knew that one day, the two of us would make a strong couple."

Amitha bowed her head. Her remorse infuriated Aragen. "Admit it!" she shouted.

"Yes, I knew."

Aragen's heart was pounding like crazy. "You know what? It does not matter to me anymore. I have higher goals. I do not want a dead child. I want more."

"I know Aragen, I know you're ambitious. I know you can achieve everything!"

"That's right," she growled. "Except for him, right?"

"Sister ..."

"Don't call me that! You're not my sister!"

"But ..." Amitha's eyes filled with tears. "You yourself say that you don't care that ..."

"That does not mean that I will leave your betrayal unpunished and be a spectator to your sweet affair!"

"What are you talking about?" Amitha moved closer. "You cannot drive us apart, don't you see? Aragen, we love each other! I'm sorry, but we fell in love! In the end ... in the end, you'll reconcile yourself to it and everything will be -"

"No, nothing will ever be like it was before." Aragen took two steps forward, while Amitha backed away from her.

"I just want you to forgive me," she pleaded. "You will always be my sister."

Aragen's heart paused. For a second, she was afraid that her emotions would overwhelm her. Then she blocked them out: "I don't have a sister." She grabbed Amitha by the shoulders. The girl's eyes widened.

"What are you doing?"

"Neither of us will get him."


"I will destroy him for what he did to us, Amitha, I swear. I'll ruin him."

Amitha tried in desperation to shake her off, but Aragen was stronger. "What are you talking about?"

Aragen pushed her towards the edge of the ridge, the dark abyss opening up beneath them. She was eager for satisfaction.

"Aragen! Aragen, let me go!"

"I'll kill you, Amitha. But I promise that I will remember you."

"What? No! Don't!"

Aragen pushed her sister to the very edge of the cliff. Amitha desperately clutched her arms, her face filled with pure terror. "No! Aragen, please! We are sisters! Please! Don't do it!"

Aragen had already made up her mind. She forced one arm free from Amitha's grip and grabbed her shoulder. With the other arm she shoved her fist under Amitha's ribs, penetrating the flesh. She put her hand around Amitha's beating heart and looked into her eyes for the last time.

"Please." Amitha moaned.

Aragen closed her eyes and yanked. As the last tremors of Amitha's life passed through Aragen, she released her grip. Aragen watched as her sister's lifeless body fell over the edge into the abyss, her heart remaining in her hand.

Darkness consumed her body.

There was a deadly silence.

Aragen looked down for a long time. She felt no emotions, just the exhilaration of the power flowing through her veins and the darkness that was consuming her. She tossed her sister's torn-out heart into the abyss, turned and walked back to the camp.

She could sense death and heard distressed voices as she approached the camp. Something had happened, something terrible, she could feel it in her bones. Confusion, horror...

She dashed over to the campfire and saw something that she would never forget for the rest of her life. She felt a piece of her die inside and her heart shattering into millions of pieces.

Sieena stood in front of the cabin and screamed, howling with sheer madness. In her hand she held a severed head. She waved it through air, blood spurting in all directions. The pack wailed around her and Aragen collapsed to her knees. It was Ragar's head.

Her father was dead.    


I apologize for the delay :) How did you like the other part?

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