Chapter 4 II/II - Birth and Death

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She sat on a chopping block in the corner of the cabin and waited there until sunset. She tried to let her mind drift so as to distract herself from the pain, but the silver on her chest continued to burn.She gathered her strength so as to be totally focused for the events that would unfold that night.She sensed that when Wenir returned and found out the truth about his love, that it would destroy him.He would crawl at Aragen's feet like a worm and his body and soul would be hers.

Kar came to pick her up. His eyes immediately fell on the silver cross hung around her neck. He shot her a look with his eyes but did not say a word. The pack was gathered around the campfire. The Predators stood at the front, their muscular arms hanging at their sides. As Aragen and Kar approached, the wolves divided to make way. Once Aragen had taken her place next to the Predators, Tamar began his speech.

"Last night, we lost our leader. Let our Father, the Black Messenger, bestow eternal power on Ragar in his new life. Now is the time to restore order in our pack."

"We'll choose a new leader," Drel cried and her enthusiastic eyes darted towards Aragen. Tamar frowned. Obviously, neither the interruption nor the attention being paid to Aragen was to his liking.

"Not yet," he said holding up his hand. Everyone seemed to be surprised. "Aragen is too young to become our leader."

"No, I'm not," Aragen said loudly. The Predators gave her an astonished look. She stood up in front of them and in front of the pack. "I am the rightful successor to Ragar. I will lead our pack faithfully and loyally."

"Aragen," Tamar intervened mildly, "I believe you, but understand, your youth and lack of experience ..."

"You have no idea what really lies dormant and now grows inside me," she hissed ominously and turned directly to her people. "I'm ready to become your leader! And I will. None of you has the right to oppose me, not even the Predators. From today, major changes are coming. It is time to collectively recognize the power that will give us immortality."

The wolves looked at one another in amazement, mumbled amongst themselves, and rolled their eyes. Tamar was about to intervene when Aragen raised her hand to his throat and clutched it menacingly. Everyone froze. Tamar searched for words in vain but remainedcompletely speechless. He looked at Aragen with pure horror.

"This is just a fraction of what I can do," she said showing her superiority. "I will give you strength, invulnerability, and freedom. Never again will we have to hide and fear people. From now on, it will be they who will tremble in terror!"

Drel enthusiastically cheered, while the eyes of the others gleamed with voracious desire. Aragen stepped among them and the ground shook. The wolves became frightened, some falling to their knees. Aragen's eyes flashed with fire. The ground kept trembling like an earthquake. Aragen went to the edge of the forest and reached out to the nearest spruce. There was a huge rumbling sound as the ground ruptured around the base of the tree. The tree, roots and all, now free of the ground's stranglehold on it, rose into the air and laid itself on its side. Aragen pointed it at the pack. The pack was trembling with fear and scared to death, but she knew that this was the only way to secure their devotion.

She moved the tree closer to the campfire. The flames suddenly rose, ever higher, driven by a dark force. The tree roots caught fire, fiery tongues began to lick the trunk and quickly consume it, and within moments the branches were ablaze. Over the campfire now hovered a huge burning tree.

The pack covered their heads with their hands to protect themselves and looked on at the spectacle in stunned silence.

Aragen walked over to the campfire and stepped into the heart of the flames. Everyone held their breath. No one dared to move. The flames around Aragen parted and lapped her skin without causing a single injury. Although werewolves came from the Fiery Gorges, they were not immune to fire. Aragen's diabolic power had been strengthened by the darkness.

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