Chapter 4 I/II - Birth and Death

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They gave her life

Predestined by fate

Her family they stole

Born of death and hate

The Predators seized Sieena.A trail of blood ran from the cabin where Ragar's body rested.Aragen dug her fingers into the muddy soil.She did not want to believe it.She hated her mother so much!Let the monsters of the Lord of Hell devour her!

Someone took her gently by the arm and encouraged her to stand up.Aragen looked up into Wenir's face with teardrops welling up in the corners of her eyes.She had never shed tears before.Never!But today, right now ... she could not hold herself back even though she desperately resisted.

"My father..."She was unable to say more.Wenir looked at her with compassion.

"They say she killed him in his sleep.I'm sorry, Aragen."

Aragen grabbed her stomach.She felt as if it had collapsed, as if an emptiness had opened up inside her.A spasm gripped her and momentarily she felt breathless.A sense of guilt slowly crept over her. She hadn't been here to prevent it.If she hadn't pursued Amitha, her father would be still alive.

No! She shook the thought from her head vigorously. She had to get rid of the traitor. Her father would understand. Sacrifices were necessary for the good of the pack and Aragen had to earn their respect. With Amitha out of the way, Wenir would be loyal to her.

"Come on," Wenir said and led her away. The pack began to boil with rage. Aragen could sense something was happening at the cabin.

"Where are you taking me?"

"You don't have to watch this."

Suddenly she understood. "My mother killed the leader of the pack. The punishment is..." She broke loose from him.

"Aragen, you've seen enough."

"Don't worry about me!"

She returned to the crowd and without hesitation pushed her way through. The others stepped aside as she did so. Sieena was kneeling in the mud with tears streaming down her cheeks. Two Predators held her firmly by the shoulders. One of them was Kar. Aragen caught his eye and could swear there was pleasure written in them. Aragen had after all humiliated him and now he could watch her suffer instead.

One of the oldest Predators, Tamar, brought the murder weapon from the cabin. It was Ragar's sword.Blood was still dripping from it.They would now execute Sieena with it.

Aragen's mother looked up at her, eyes wide open."I did it for you, my little daughter."

Aragen returned her gaze and with clenched teeth looked on as Tamar chopped off her head.The nausea only lasted a short time.Her gastric juices revolted, but Aragen controlled them, as she did the hatred and malice inside her.Yet she knew that later, when she was alone, and all the hatred had disappeared, she would be overcome by grief.

She stared at her mother's head, now resting in the mud. That of her father lay close by. One day, she would come to understand her mother's actions and forgive her. After all Sieena had only ever acted out of love. She was right about those bastards from the start and her love for Ragar was never fulfilled. The leadership now belonged to Aragen.

Tamar lay a hand on Aragen's shoulder. "We will bury Ragar according to tradition and with the honours appropriate for a leader."

Aragen nodded her approval. Her father would be given to the flames of the Black Messenger, whilst her mother would be buried as a traitor.

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