Chapter 3

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You can imagine the fear,shock and disbelief that swept through me.

"Whaaat?" I stammered.

"Don't give me that!" The white man shouted angrily, smashing his fist into my stomach.

"Sir!" One of the Zimbabweans said warningly.


"You shouldn't hit him." The man said quietly.

"Why not? This bastard killed the ambassador's wife."

From this exchange I gathered what the shots meant.I also surmised that my captors were the victim's security team.

The Englishman was shorter than the rest of them. He had short sandy hair, green eyes under bushy brows,a large nose and mouth that,at this moment, was set in a thin line.

The other three were all native Zimbabweans,dark skinned and generally looked the same in height and built.

All,except the white man, had name tags pinned on their left  breast pockets.
They were Chikari,Moto and Sergeant Godwin. The latter was the one their speaking to the Brit.

"Because maybe he isn't our guy. Why don't you let him speak?"

"Thank you," I said inwardly.

The Brit handcuffed me and raised me to a sitting position.


"I...," I cleared my throat."I saw someone running, he had gun.He got on a motorbike and went that way."I pointed the direction awkwardly with both hands.

"Seriously?" The limey was having none of that. "You expect us to believe that bulls**t?"

"It's the truth!" I cried desperately.

"You bloody liar!Start...,"he was cut off by a shout from Chikari.

He was standing where the quad-cycle had been parked.

" Over here! He's telling the truth."

            *       *        *
Twenty minutes later,I was sitting on a wooden chair in the Vazhambe Hotel's parking lot.The handcuffs were still on;Mr Craigson(the white guy) had not believed me entirely.

The police were milling around,taking statements from other hotel guests. No one seemed to notice Craigson verbally assaulting me.

"You monkey, tell me who you work for!Huh!Tell me you bastard!"

By now I had given up trying to explain to him.Every time I opened my mouth seemed to annoy him.

"Don't tell me you were checking your f***ing boar traps. That's absolute horse s**t!"

"Mister Craigson!" The voice cut through his expletives like a machete.

Craigson turned around to face the speaker,who turned out to be a woman.

Dark,tall and plain looking, she was wearing a cream polo-neck jersey under a grey pant suit. Her hair was done in a simple weave that nearly reached her shoulders.She approached us with confident authority.

"You've done enough," she said.

"Who the hell are you?"

She flipped open her wallet."Detective Inspector Tsono.This is Sergeant Bobo."
She indicated a fat pudgy fellow behind her who was sweating, despite the July cold.

"This is one of them," stated Craigson.

"I understand you think so,but it's now up to us to find out what really happened."

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