The Silence

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i feel as if this silence between us should burn my throat every time i speak about it

boil my insides every time i think about it

spring hot tears down my face every time i realize it

but none happen

should i become accustomed to this void?

should i wear the emptiness like a silk shirt for all to see?

i'll just sit here and wait patiently for you to beckon

but how long will my nerves last?

how long will i stand against the wall that has been unintentionally created

feeding sweet nothings to you as i receive not but one in return?

if i were to talk about this

when would we have time?

if i were to make a decision about this

when would you know?

i think of you so terribly often

and what life would be like if you were here with me

do the same thoughts pass through your mind?

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2012 ⏰

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