Chapter 2

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With it being so early, normally I would have snuggled back under my covers and gone back to sleep, but since I let my head talk me out of the warm, fuzzy feelings the Father had left me with, I couldn't go back to sleep. So, I decided to go for a swim. My kitty, Taffi was still curled up into my side under the blankets and hating to disturb her, I tried to move softly, sliding out the other side of the bed. But, no such luck. As soon as I moved, she jumped up and hopped off the bed like she'd never really been sleeping at all. I huffed a breath, a little put out by everything I did to keep from waking her. But realizing how silly that was, I brushed my irrational feelings aside and made my way down to the spa. Taffi followed right behind me.

She's a beautiful, seven-year old Tortoise-shell. She's sleek and lean, a little on the small side and her fur is a mix of browns and golds. She has a line right down the center of her nose, with one side being milk chocolate brown and the other eighteen karat gold. Her eyes are a fascinating amber. She's so lovely, that sometimes I just sit and stare at her, marveling at her beauty. I often wonder just what she would say if she could speak to me. She's a very independent little girl. She just recently started sleeping with me, though she's been with me since she was four months old. I don't know what changed for her, but she suddenly began climbing into my bed at night, but always after I turn off the tv or close whatever book I'm reading, put it away and get comfortable. Then she slinks out from wherever she's been lounging (and in my house, she has an abundance of places to lounge), and gets into my bed. She spends quite a bit of time directing me on how she wants to be petted and then she paws at the blankets until I give in and lift them up for her to get under. I think it's funny to watch her trying to make me do what she wants. She gets all bossy and starts mewing at me. Her voice is surprisingly loud for a cat so small, who doesn't 'talk' very much. I admit, I purposely frustrate her, just to make her 'talk'. Her voice is so cute!

Once in the spa, I make my way over to the kitchen and start a pot of raspberry/chocolate Godiva coffee brewing and take a mug over to the pool when it's done. I sit there by the side, with my feet in the water, sipping my delicious coffee and think about my conversation with the Father. I wonder why he decided to change things up this year? I remember him hinting that I might have some secret desire on how to spend my day. Hm. Actually, now that I think about it, I have been wanting to go to Europe. Switzerland is really lovely in January and Paris would be nice, too. Even Italy and Austria. I haven't been to Europe in years, it would be nice to see some sights.

Since the Father adopted me, I really haven't wanted for any physical or material thing. Anything I've wanted or needed, has been within my reach. Honestly, all I ever have to do is ask him for whatever it is I need or want and he takes care of it for me. That is, if it's something I don't already have the means to get. He makes sure I have the funds to buy what I need or want and I really don't have to work. That's why I have the time to go volunteer at the rest home and orphanage. I feel like giving my time and donating money to these and other causes is worthwhile, because if it wasn't for the Father, I probably would have grown up in an orphan's home, too. I've been thinking about going with an organization I found out about at my church, that goes to under privileged countries and digs wells in poor villages. I recently learned about how bad the need for clean water is in some places. Children are actually dying because they're drinking diseased water, the same water that's used for animals, like cattle, and clothes washing. It's so filthy, that it's dark brown! And they're having to drink it! They have no choice. They don't even have the means to purify it. I want to make it possible for people to have clean, fresh water pumping out for years and years. Just considering helping with that gets me excited! So, judging by my reaction, I guess that's something I should be doing.

After my coffee, I turn on my stereo and swim a few laps, then relax in the jacuzzi for a bit. On my way back upstairs, I hear the buzzer telling me someone is at my front gate. Who the heck could that be, unannounced and uninvited at ten o'clock in the morning? I bet it's some kind of solicitor. Going to the intercom, I'm pleasantly surprised to find that it isn't a pushy peddler, it's my brother, Aiden! I buzz him in, go to front door and wait on the porch while he parks his motorcycle.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2012 ⏰

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