Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”

-Mark Twain


12 days…

I winced as I brought the small cup of water to my lips. For once, Justin was sitting on the floor with his back leaned against the wall, his eyes falling closed. Caleb gave me a small reassuring smile, but I could see the bags under his eyes as well. It was a horrible night for all of us, me especially. My dreams were plagued with nightmares, fires, drowning, I shiver just thinking about it. I don’t know what drowning is really like, but I’m sure that dream was almost spot on.

My wrist caught the edge of the food tray and I groaned softly in pain. When I woke up, not only was I in pure agony, I was also shocked because all of my body was covered in black bruises. Every small movement sent pain shooting up my body. I had put on a pair of soft pajama paints and a white long sleeve shirt so I could cover the bruising. I truly wonder if my body had beaten itself from the inside out. 

A pounding split through my head, something I had become very familiar with in the past few weeks. My vision blurred and the room spun, allowing my thoughts to dissipate into thin air, dissolve into small little particles and vanish. I wanted to retreat into myself, to work on the inside and fix the problems that had been laid out before me, but no. I had numbers. I wanted to live inside of my own mind, away from everyone else, but then I realized, the numbers have already done that.

When Caleb had brought the food in for me, I had pushed it away, my appetite nonexistent, but Justin had insisted that I eat something. He said something about it helping my body heal or keeping my body strong or something, I practically tuned him out. The conversation was getting pretty boring and I was to tired to pay attention without falling asleep.

I had tried to make conversation for a while, but it died out as everyone began to fall asleep once more. I did get some helpful information out of Caleb. Apparently a group of five Crazies, along with two guards were going outside to the small picnic area. Every two weeks or so we are allowed to go outside at a time or meal of our choosing for about an hour as long as we are accompanied by guards.

My brow furrowed as he spoke, disbelief had filled my veins, making my body heavier. There were only seven. Seven people with the number thirteen had that kind of effect on me and my body. Even now as I recall the conversation, it still seems absurd. 

Soft snores broke my thoughts and I smiled over at Justin, his head slumped down to his chest. I glanced at Caleb, his eyes drooping drastically as he slid his back down the wall. Justin and Caleb didn’t want to leave me here in this condition, so unbelievably they actually stayed the night in my room, together. Justin had informed me that they didn’t get much sleep because of my screaming last night and I felt extremely guilty.

The door burst open, almost making me jump out of my skin. I whipped my head around, but instantly regretted it. Sharp pain shot through my neck followed by a dull ache. I clenched my eyes, waiting for the discomfort to pass, once I was able to open them again, I almost choked on air.

There in the doorway, was none other than Angela, Justin and Caleb’s mother. Her hands were at her hips, a scowl forming on her face as she surveyed the room with anger dancing in her cat like eyes. The green slits stopped on me and I almost thought she was going to hiss at me. I didn’t cower however, in fact I glared right back, unaffected by the anger that was rolling off her shoulders and wafting around the room.

Caleb stood up immediately, suddenly wide awake. Justin however continued to sit on the floor, not showing any signs of movement or kindness. In fact, he was practically glaring at the woman himself. I raised an eyebrow, but didn’t voice my thoughts, especially not with his mother still standing here.

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