Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

“It is nothing to die. It is frightful not to live.” 

--Victor Hugo, Les Miserables


So there was breakfast, right there at the table where it should be. The eggs had been scrambled and piled high. The bacon was crispy, but not burnt. In fact, we were all here. Everything was as it should normally be. With of course, the exception of the duck tape that tied the boys’ hands behind their backs and their ankles to their chairs. I stood in front of the two as they glared up at me. Thankfully I was on the other side of the table, safe for now. But at the moment, I’m worried about what I could do to them, not what they could do to me.

“You’ve gone nuts!” Caleb’s voice boomed. “Look at her Justin. The final screw has come lose.”

I’ve only known Caleb’s smile and kind words, the big teddy bear. So the words coming from his mouth hurt, and they were confusing, and my head hurt. I pinched the bridge of my nose trying to get the throbbing to subside. My left fist was resting comfortably on the plastic fold up table—after all, Caleb is still a single male. I licked my cracked lips and closed my eyes for a moment, trying to plan this all out. 

It was so easy to sit them both down, I mean they were starving and ready to eat. Besides, they would never expect this from me. Next thing they know, I’m wrapping duck tape around their torsos, zip tying their hands together and practically gluing them to the plastic chairs. Pissed off was quite an understatement when it came to them, they were ready to strangle me I’m sure. Maybe for them that wouldn’t be so hard… 

“Camille, what the hell?” Justin asked, grabbing my attention.

I could see it just below the surface. He was scared, not of me, but for me. Justin was trying, hoping, desperately clinging on to the idea of me being sane. I tore my eyes away because I couldn’t watch him struggle like that anymore.

“Are you okay?” he asked. I was shocked.

His hands and feet are tied to a chair because of me and he is asking if I’m okay. And what could that even mean? Am I mentally stable? Is my body healthy? Are my emotions in check? Is my life falling apart? Am I depressed? What is that supposed to ask, how am I supposed to answer?

I sighed, “The definition of okay seems to complex to comprehend. Can I take a rain check?”

This caused a bitter laugh to erupt from Caleb, but no true reaction from Justin. I shook all thoughts of them and what I thought they were from my head and stood up straight. It was time for the interrogation. Out of my back pocket —I had changed into jeans and a t-shirt— I pulled out the only piece of evidence my case had obtained. The most important pawn in my game of strategy. I watched their reactions carefully. Caleb showed no emotion, no indications of recognition, while Justin still seemed to be confused.

Almost dramatically I pulled out the chair to my left and sat down, letting the sound fill the empty air. It’s amazing, I had watched television police officers and actors all doing this same thing, but I never imagined the rush of excitement that came with it. Knowing for once I had control of the situation. This was my mystery and I was going to solve it.

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