⎮Dating Clark Kent Would Include⎮

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こんにちは kiwi's!

QOTD: Do you watch Gotham?

Author Answer: I'm like, obsessed with Gotham (Bruce is like such a cinnamon roll)


• Him always looking out for you

• After your first date he takes you to meet his mother (because we all know he is a mommas boy)

• Most of the time Perry has to keep telling him to get his head out of the clouds and starts working, when really, he is thinking about you

• You love it when he reads his articles to you can't fall asleep

• He is always trying to keep you safe, because he never knows who will take you for leverage against him

 • Soooo. many. kisses.

• You do want privacy, so when Clark isn't around you always tell that your fine and don't need him to listen with his Kryptonian hearing

• But, he can't help himself he is just to in love with you to not know if something goes wrong

• He likes to take you on dates either in a small cozy restaurant or back in Smallvile

• You love how cute he is how he always follows you around, too him buying a bouquet of flowers before a date, it all just shows how much he is willing to do to show his love for you

• Even though Clark is already super like super fit, you always drag him to the gym with you

• "But, Y/NNNNN I have an article to write." "Not today you do, we are going to do this together, and your not getting out of it."

• Clark telling you he is Superman over a date in Smallvile

• "Y/N I have something important to tell you, a-and I don't know what you will say and I-I'm fine if don't feel the same way after b-but it has to be said, I'm S-superman." "I already know duh. Like how can people not see. You ligit look the same with or without your glasses. Though, I will still love you the same way Superman or not, I love you." 

• When your sad he likes to things that would normally embarrass him to make you laugh

• When your alone you call him Kal-El like all the time when your alone

• Martha loves you like the daughter she never had

• He is always asking you about top secret places like Area-51 and Area-6

• "Like I know I can find out right away whats in there but I want to do it without powers." "Well a lot of people say there are like UFO's there and aliens that the government is hiding." "But whats the point of hiding it if its just nuclear testing?" "Exactly Kal-El, exactly."

• Surprisingly Lois and you get on well, you like to hang out together

• In the end, he will always love you

This to me was a little cringey because I don't usually write Clark Kent, but as long as you peoples like it, cool.




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