*Monica Cima as Melissa*After what felt like the hundredth balled up piece of paper Noah and Charlie threw at the back of my head really got on my nerves. They were being more annoying than fun to hangout with. Boys... ugh. I rolled my eyes. I stood up and walked toward the supervisor who could obviously care less about what the students were doing and asked if I could go to the bathroom. He waved me off so I just left. I walked to a bathroom medium distance from the detention room because I didn't want to get too far away but I didn't want to be too close. Let's be honest here, I'm trying to waste as much time as possible.
I entered and there were a few girls fixing their hair and makeup which is totally normal and I did too just because I didn't want to go back to detention. As soon as the other girls were gone I could hear a sniffling coming from the handicap stall. I was concerned.
"Hello? Are you okay?" I asked knocking on the stall door.
"I'm fine." A strained voice called out. Then more sniffling.
"You are definitely not fine." I said crawling underneath the stall door. I immediately saw Melissa with her knees curled up to her chest in the corner crying into her arms.
"I'm fine really." Melissa said. "Please leave."
"No. I may not be your best friend anymore but I'm not going to ignore you when something is obviously wrong."
"Thank you." Melissa said, gratefully but again tried to get me to leave. "But really you can go..."
"Your welcome. Mel, I'm not going anywhere." I said sitting down right in front of her. "What's been going on with you?" I asked
"You don't want to know and you definitely don't care." She said defeatedly
"Yes I do. You were my best friend long before you were my enemy. And just because we aren't on good terms doesn't mean I have completely stopped caring. We were so close for so long and I hate to think of it like this but you threw it all away and I don't know why."
"Don't give me this shit right now Alexa. You know exactly why." She snarled weakly.
"I can honestly say I don't."
"Figures." She scoffed. "You were always the oblivious type. I wanted to be popular and you had everything. You had the boyfriend, a family that loves you, a brother that protects you, and everyone loved you." She sighed. "I just wanted to prove to myself that the perfect girl couldn't always have everything she wanted. So when You and Vance started dating it wasn't my intention to screw things up but he started hitting on me and texting me and I just felt like I was getting a little slice of the golden girl's heaven."
"Why didn't you ever tell me?" I asked. She scoffed.
"You know everything there is to know about me. You know my family is shit and you know I take care of myself. I just didn't think you would understand."
"You're probably right. I wouldn't have understood but I would have done everything in my power to make things better for you." I said confidently.
"Oh god. Of course you would have, you are way too pure for me. In a way I think I wanted to protect you because I wanted to be reckless. I wanted to raise hell and I knew you were way to good and way too innocent. I didn't want to corrupt you."
"Bullshit, Melissa. Corrupt me? " I stoped. "You have got to be fucking kidding me, right?"
"No I'm not."
"I was so naive. If anything you would have opened my eyes to the real world. I was living with my head in the clouds and I saw everything through rose colored glasses. I could've used the reality check."
"But I didn't want to be the one to give it too you. All I wanted at the time was destruction and distraction and that's what I got but in the worst way. I regret what I did. "
"Don't try to distract me. I am aware of you're tactics you sneaky woman! Tell me why you're crying."
"I don't think you would understand."
"I bet I will understand better than you think."
"What happened to you in Morocco?" She asked confused.
"I grew up. I was exposed to real things and real issues. No one was there to shelter me from the real world and it changed me. Stop trying to change the subject Melissa."
"Nothing Vance and I just got into a dumb fight."
"You wouldn't be in here crying if it were just some stupid fight. You're to tough."
"Fine...we were fighting because my period's late."
"Oh fuck..." was my reaction.
"That's what he said and then he started yelling and saying that it's my fault but I don't understand how it could be my fault when I take the pill every single day. Everything is always my fault with V. He's a different person than he was sophomore year."
I Ignored what she said about Vance because we had bigger issues on our hands and I could ask about that later, I asked
"How late? And Have you taken a test?"
"A week. I'm too scared to take a test."
"Melissa if you are actually concerned about being pregnant you need to take a test or go to the doctor.... actually doing both of those things is probably whats best for this situation. I'll take you."
"God!" Melissa exclaimed dramatically, "why the hell do you always have a plan? And why the hell are you being so nice to me?"
"I have a plan because it is what needs to get done. I'm being nice to you because I know the second you tell your cheer bitches this it will spread around the entire school. I assume that's not what you want."
"You're right. I'm so scared Alexa." She said vulnerably and looked at me with wide eyes. "What if i am pregnant?"
"We will just roll with the punches Mel, that's all we really can do. You have options hun."
"Please don't tell this to anyone... but If I really am pregnant, this baby is doomed. Vance is going to be a shitty dad and I'll be a shitty mom." Melissa broke down crying.
"If you don't want to have his baby then why are you still with him?" I asked
"Because as horribly as he treats me.... I still love him. "
Melissa and i's conversation pretty much fizzled put after that. Walking
Back to detention I had a whirlwind of emotion swirling through me. I don't know how things back here got so screwed up. Some things are better others are worse and I can't even begin to imagine what everyone else has going on in their lives if my life is so crazy right now. I want to fix everything.... how to fix everything is the tricky part.

I'm Back
TeenfikceAlexa Richards. She isn't bullied. She isn't fat. She is a tiny, sweet, naive, little pushover that hasn't hit puberty yet. Alexa is a sophomore in high school. She has a boyfriend and a best friend who mean the world to her but then some shit goes...