Chapter 1: Chloe Found out

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"Uh oh."

Marinette turned around, only to see her step sister, looking shocked as ever.

"You're Ladybug??" Chloe asked.

"Um.... I'm just a fan...?"

"No. You''re the real ladybug."

"Ok! Fine. I am Ladybug. BUT! you have to promise NOT to tell ANYONE. Paris depends on it."

"Dont worry. I'll keep your secret. I just can't believe it was you all along!"

"Come on Chloe. We have a wedding to continue." Marinette smiled, as she walked into the building with her step sister.

Marinette went to talk to Adrien.

"Adrien, we have to talk alone..." Marinette said.

Adrien nodded and they went outside by the entrance.

"What's up?" Adrien asked

"*deep breath* Ok. Chloe knows." Marinette said.


"Chloe knows I'm you know who. She can't see Chat Noir flirting with me if I'm you know who or not. Unless you tell her...."

"Dont worry Marinette. I'll be careful." He kissed her and they went back in the building.

"Hey Marinette! Hey Adrien. Congrats!" Chloe said.

"Hehe... thanks Chloe. Congrats to you too!" Marinette said.

After talking for a while, everyone started to party.

--five months later--

Marinette and Adrien decided for Ladybug and Chat Noir to jump around Paris for a while.

"Tikki, SPOTS ON!"
"Plagg, CLAWS OUT!"

Chat Noir jumped from roof to roof. Doing flips and tricks.

"Try and top that!"


Ladybug did a triple backflip. Over Chat Noir.

"Ha! Bet you can't do that."

"Alright m'lady. You win." He laughed.

"That's what I thought. Good kitty."

They arrived on top of the Eiffel tower.

After a moment of silence, Ladybug broke it.



"...what about Hawkmoth?"

"Well... what about him?"

"I mean, we were chosen to be superheroes to defeat Hawkmoth, but we're nowhere closer to finding out where he is..." Ladybug looked at the amazing sight of Paris.

"Oh Ladybug. I've always been right here."



"Did you say something?"


"Then... who said.." Ladybug asked, standing up.

"Who said what?" Chat Noir asked, also standing up.

They both turned around.

"Hello Ladybug. Chat Noir. Nice to formally meet you."

"HAWKMOTH!" Marinette yelled, getting up from her slumber. Also waking Adrien, causing him to fall off the bed.

"Omg! I am so sorry!" Marinette said, looking over the bed. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah... I'm ok. Are you? Sounds like you had a dream about-"

"Hawkmoth. Yeah. I don't know why, but it felt... real..."

"What do you mean by 'real'?"

"I mean it felt like he was... entering my dream from real life."

"I'm sure it's nothing. Let's go back to sleep..."

After thirty seconds, they went back to sleep. Two minutes later, Marinette was awoken again.

"Marinette! Get up! Something is going on with Jackson!" Chloe said, shaking Marinette awake.

"What? Chloe, why couldnt you get mom or dad?"

"Because they are very tired and... some stuff is.... happening...."

"Whats happening to Jackson?"

Marinette and Adrien got up and went to Jackson's crib.

They stopped by the doorway.

Their eyes widened.

"Hello sisters."

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