Chapter 2

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Stiles' Pov.

I groaned when Scott yanked my arm. "You're coming with me!" He said.

I had been down for a couple of days and my oh so nice bestfriend is thinking taking me to Derek's house and watching them train is gonna make me feel better. How is being around Derek going to make me feel better?

I sigh softly as we step into my car. I'm already building an invisible wall around myself, so whatever will be said doesn't affect me, yet I know it's useless, since it will anyways. "You could just tell me what's going on you know.." Scott tells me. "Well, in that case there's nothing to tell." I sigh.

"Come on Stiles. I'm your bestfriend. I can sense when something is up with you." "Geez, there's nothing!" I snap, nearly driving over a duck, but dodging it in time. "Alright alright.." Scott mutters. I'm glad he decided to let it slip.

I drive into the forest, sighing softly because I'm not looking forward to see Derek at all. My shoulders are badly bruised and they hurt like hell. I have to admit I've been thinking about why he would show up the same night. I know I'll never find out though and that it's a waste of time trying to figure out. If he came to tell me something important he would have said it anyways eventhough I said I wanted him to leave. Maybe he came to apologize, but apologizing is so not Derek it's no option.

I watch Scott jump out of the car before I even stopped driving and sigh, parking the old piece of crap as I get out myself. Derek is holding the door open, as I walk inside, glaring at him. "Stiles.." He sighs as he puts his hand on my shoulder making me flinch away from him and glare once again. 

He sighs and I guess he's getting I don't want to be here in the first place because he walks over to scott. I don't like the Hale house. It's scary, specially at night and it's always cold in here.

I sink down on the old couch, which is pretty much ripped apart yet comfortable in some way. The reason Scott and Derek mainly train here is because Derek prefers to keep his apartment in a normal state. I hear them in the basement and sigh, taking my phone out as I decide to message 

Lydia asking if she knows what tomorrow's science test is about, because I forgot. Okay, I'm damn aware, but I'm bored as hell and it's not like anyone will ever find out?

Time passes by slowly as the sky begins to turn dark and I'm shivering, still sitting on the couch with my arms wrapped around myself staring into the forest through the window as Derek comes upstairs, throwing a blanket over me. I look up in suprise and frown at him, watching him walk over to the toilet, which I guess is still working. I curl up in the blanket slightly, closing my eyes as I let out a deep sigh, pretty much falling asleep, but only untill my phone decides to come to life. I sigh and pick up seeing it's my dad.

"Hello Stiles." I frown, this isn't his voice. "Uhm.. helllo?" I question and suddenly there's panic. Someone's calling me on my dad's phone. Does that mean something happend? "Listen carefully. Meet me in 20 minutes in the middle of the forest. Alone. If you want to see your father again atleast." 

"E-excuse me?" I stuttered out. If this was some kind of joke it's not funny. "Stiles?" A familiar voice came through now. "Dad?!" Panic could be heard in my voice. "Listen Stiles, don't listen to them. They're wolves. I'll be fine." He told me, but I'm not going to have anything of it and I know he knows. "But dad.." My voice is trembling and I'm close to tears. "I'll be fine." He repeated himself as the line went that.

My heart is beating so fast it hurts. I feel like someone's strangling me because I can barely breathe. I know it's not the time for a panic attack now though. Whoever was talking to me. He clearly wanted me to go to the forest alone, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm sure Derek and Scott didn't hear anything, because if so, they'd be up here now. Scott atleast. I get up, dumping the blanket onto the couch as I rush to my car, steppingin and slamming the door closed only to get the old motor working. Scott and Derek run out of the house, but I don't pay attention to them eventhough I know they could easily follow me considering they're able to move probably even faster then my car.

I drive backwards, make a wild turn and shooting forward into the forest, hearing Derek scream my name, but it doesn't make me stop. I'm not sure what I plan on doing. My dad made clear I'm up against wolves, probably a pack and I don't think I'm going to come far with sarcasm as only defense at this point. There's no way I'm turning back though. I'm barely able to live life without my mom, but I'm defenitly not going to be able to put myself together if I lose my dad as well.

I reach the middle of the forest and step out of the car as I look around. There's no one. Not yet atleast. The air I breathe out is formed into a small cloud, but dissapears rather fast as someone steps onto the small open place where I'm standing as well. "Good evening Stiles." I face the man standing in front of me, but I'm sure I've never seen him before. A guy steps out of the bushes, holding my dad tightly so he's unable to escape. His clothes are ripped and he has a couple of small cuts. If I didn't feel the fear I felt right now, I'd probably be smirking. I'm sure he got those injuries while struggeling, knowing my dad.

The guy holding my dad looks my age. I'm sure he's taller then me and obviously more muscline, but there's something about his expression telling me he's not quite okay with what he's doing right now.

If the man things I'm going to greed him back, he's wrong. I have no intention too. Not at all.

"What do you want?" I ask because I want to know. I don't know what this is about. "I want you." I try to process what I'm told as fast as I can, only to ask sharp questions or give sharp answers. "And why is that?" I ask, almost right away after he answered me. "Because I need you." The man's eyes glow up red and I'm sure he's an alpha. I just don't understand what my part in this is, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get an explination either. 

"You see Stiles. If you want your dad to live. You decide to go with us. If you don't.." The boys nails shot out longer, eyes glowing a deep yellow color, holding his hand under my dad's throat, making my breathe hitch. "Fine. I'll go with you." I say, watching my dad struggle, trying to say something but his words only sound like soft muffles under the white clothing that's put over his mouth, doing it's job to not let his voice be heard.

I'm about to walk over when an strong arm slides around my waist and suddenly I'm being pulled back against a muscline body. "No, he's staying." 

It's Derek's voice, which I can't believe. I don't hear Scott. Is he alone?

"My my, it has been long." The to me unknown Alpha said. I can feel Derek's body stiffen behind me. "It should have been longer." Derek huffed. I watch the older man look down at his watch. "It's getting late. Shouldn't you be going to bed Stiles? School tomorrow, am I right? Considering you're staying." I start to squirm in order to get out of Derek's grip, but he won't let go.

"I'm not staying!" I said, my voice sounding much louder then normally as I look up at Derek and keep moving in protest. "Let go of me!" I yell at him, growing hopeless. "I can't let them take you Stiles." He says, looking me in the eyes, yet sounding so calm it annoys me. "Let go!" I repeat, but he doesn't. The alpha sighs as I look at him. Just like that they dissapear. The unsure boy, the powerfull alpha, and my dad.

That's when Derek finally decides to let go of me. Just a couple of seconds too late. I turn, looking at him, my vision blurred by the tears that I'm no longer able to hold in. "What did you do?!" I yell in panic. "I couldn't let them take you Stiles." He tells me once again, still calm. How can he be so calm? "You don't care about anything do you?!" I passed yelling and I'm screaming at this point. "You wouldn't actually care! You always tell me how much you hate me! This isn't about me! You're just fucking around like you always do!" Before I know I'm slamming my fist onto his chest constantly. "Derek Hale doesn't care about anyone or anything!" I slam hard enough to make him take a step backwards as I look him straight in the eyes. 

"I thought you would know what it's like to have no parents. Well, you just caused me to lose both of them and if my dad dies because of this, there's no way I'll ever forgive you."

Something flashes in his eyes. Hurt. But I guess I'm wrong.

"Not like you would even care about that anyways."

With that I'm walking off, brushing my tears off with the sleeve of my sweater. 

I'll find my dad. I'll do whatever it takes.

Please vote & leave feedback if you want me to continue this story so I know I'm not writing for nothing. It would be really helpfull (:

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