The beginning of hell

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    Sometimes something's will never change from life lesson all the way to family . Well even some of the most beautiful girls have trouble on the greatest days. I felt a little discouraged that I didn't get as much help or even look like everyone esle on my big event . I noticed it took beauty and passion to please the next family members around the day. The day came I was extremely happy but, upset to the point that I didn't want to go .
The main person barely even helped me but she was upset that I didn't stay in take pictures how does that sound. The time was coming and my friend and I went to prom together and even though I didn't felt my best . I came out on top everyone in the building was empress at how beautiful I transformed my self into . The night was over and everyone got waisted deep after prom . I noticed I had to go home and could barely see what I was doing and than church the next morning. I went a whole month not speaking than May came and graduation time . I was to excited to leave high school to the point I was shouting to god I made it . Couple days after graduation I came to St.Louis and I was a overly excited. I was not known what I was getting myself into because I was so caught into the moment.

It's a week into my summer starting up here and calling myself traveling over everyone house . I went over my Aunt Bam house and was stuck in the position . Anyways let's fast forward to this upcoming weekend got a lot to tell you. My little cousins lost their grandmother and I could only imagine how they feel to lose someone like that . Her funeral happened and we also attend the repast . Follow me don't forget about "drummer boy " that's his new name . Well anyways he was there of course and I noticed drummer boy it's going no we're out this family . He waited that Monday to text me on Facebook I actually was thinking about him by the way . I was trying to become flirty back with him by responding with" I didn't know you was to interrupt a man conversation ". And from there we went back and forth texting and talking to one another. It lasted good for three weeks until I told my cousin about what my younger cousin said . That's when hell broke loses because I should've let that slide. I shouldn't even said that just kept it a secret . My cousin told his momma what his little sister said. Than everything was horrible for me up there for like  3 months . I wasn't getting nothing correct up in St.Louis my destiny was to go to the Army and I didn't succeed in that my feeling was totally hurt . By October it was my plan to move back down to St.Louis after I had spent a little time with my daddy and sisters . I end up sending a guy that I use to watch at the one and only Hughes High School basketball games . I just got a random question what is Love ?  How does love suppose to make you feel. I just get a bubbly gut feeling when I think about him just turn me on .😩 I  just don't know if I should let it go or keep riding . I decide to inbox him and tell him how I felt . I had a lot of nerve that day I'm to old and everyone around me is dating guys every since high school or right after .  Maybe the saying is right he a on time god he might not come when you want him but he is right on time . I was just throwing him slick sexy shot outs on my Snapchat . Than on of my obvious post he slide up with the 👀 and I was like dannnng you caught me . I should've just kept it guessing , but he is just so handsome and I just can't get over it . I remember trying to go out and figure do he like me back and the sage story continues.

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