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Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

Crossing my legs, I flipped through the magazine on my lap as I lightly sway on the porch swing. It was night time and I sat outside in the night breeze, the moon illuminating the sly. The stars sparked and twinkled, giving a breath taking sight to whoever looks up at the sky.

Elena was at the hospital since she fell unconscious with blood dripping out of her nose. I had found her and panicked instantly, yelling at Jeremy to get his ass upstairs. Then my dear brother and I drove her to the hospital and the idiot related to me had to tell Damon and Stefan about the incident.

So then Stefan - who now officially earned the nickname asshole - insisted that I guard the house while Jeremy stays with Elena at the hospital until she wakes up.

When I came back home to guard, I played video games and watched the news - that's how bored I was. Who the fuck watches the news other than old people who are about to die?

Not me for sure.

I ordered pizza and finished a whole box. For extra, I ravished the pizza guy and enjoyed his delicious fresh blood.

What? I couldn't help myself.

I then decided to sit outside and grab a magazine full of naked people who society calls models. I flipped threw it and cringed at every ass that showed up on the shape.

One girl almost had her nipple popped out.

So many half naked people to the point where I thought it was a porn magazine. But no it was just a models magazine.

My friend - a bottle of whiskey - sat beside me on the swing half empty with a glass beside it. The only thing keeping me entertained is the drink and nothing else.

"Emilia, you guard the house incase someone decides to pay a visit." I mimicked, impersonating Stefan and repeating his previous words.

"Asshole." I muttered under my breath, blowing out an irritated sigh. I unconsciously hurled the magazine across the porch, groaning. The magazine fall on the street across our house before it flew away with the wind.

I feel bad for whoever's gonna pick that porn magazine.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed to life and started ringing my ring tone. I sighed and pulled my phone out of my pocket, looking at the caller. It was Stefan calling so I just turned it silent and placed it on the swing beside, watching it ring.

It stopped ring and I smiled to myself, turning back to my magazine.

Later, Caroline's car and Matt's truck pulled up on the driveway. I sighed in relief as I watched Elena come out of Matt's truck - along with Matt - while Tyler and Caroline step out of Caroline's car.

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