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Katherine's POV:

*two years ago*

"Ok Kati, be careful!" My mom shouts from the dinner table. "I will." I whisper under my breath. As I'm about to walk out the door, I grab my leather jacket with silver buttons lining the middle of it.

I turn and look in the full body mirror. My black combat boots give off a shine that compliments my long, dark colored hair and gray eyes.

I pull my hair up into a long and messy ponytail and take one more glance at my reflection. I turn the small golden door nob and grab my key to the house. As I step out of the thresh-hold, I think of where I could go. I'm not exactly sure where I'm off to, but I'll find out soon enough.


Heavy footsteps clack behind me. I turn, but no one is there. I shrug my shoulders and keep walking. I hear the steps again so I turn and still no one is there. "Ok I know you're there, come out," I pause. "now." I threaten.

I see a dark figure come out of the shadows. His face is revealed and my eyes widen. There is a dark haired and handsome guy a little older than me standing there. "Sorry, I smelt another one so I followed the sent." He says.

"Excuse me?" I say, not knowing what he means at all. "Aren't you one too? I mean you don't smell human." My eyes widen. "Well, that's a good first impression isn't it?"

He looks down and says, "Sorry, i thought you were a..." He trails off. "A what?" I ask the stranger. He shakes his head and I look down at my phone for the time. "You know, I'll forget this ever happened if you-" I stop and he's gone. 

I start to head back to my house when I actually start to think about what the handsome stranger said I smelt another...followed the sent...thought you were a... After a good five minuets of hard thinking, I gave up. As I turn the corner to go to my house, I see him standing about 10 yards away from me.

"Oh I uhm forgot to give you this." He walks closer to me and hands me a black case with something inside it. "Ok....Oh I never caught your name." I say and look up. Yet again, he has disappeared. 

Confused at all of this, I keep the small box in my hand and walk to my doorstep. I get my key out and swiftly sneak upstairs into my bedroom.


The next morning, I wake up and feel like a completely different person. It may or may not be an effect from the handsome stranger I encountered last night. 

I look in the mirror and there is a bit of blood on my lip, probably from biting my lip in my sleep. I grab my brush, mascara, and deodorant and walk towards my bathroom. My hair feels like it is tangled in thousands of tiny knots and every time I brush through my hair, it always seems to get stuck.

I grab my mascara and start to open it. When I pull the brush out and look into the mirror, I notice my eyes, they have a hint of golden in them, unlike before. After I apply all mymakeup, I put on my dove deodorant, still thinking of the guy. 

I don't even know his name or anything else about him. I think about the box that he gave me. Should I open it? It could be a trap for me, but I don't know that either. I'll push the grand opening to be scheduled for another day because today is the first day of school.

I grab my Colgate toothpaste and cheep dentist toothbrush out of my small white drawer and place the paste on the brush. "Hey, do you need the flat iron?" My mom says to me over the hair dryer noise while I'm placing the toothbrush in my mouth.

"No, I'm putting my hair up today." I say while clumps of watery toothpaste come out of my mouth. I brush through my thick hair agian to make sure all the tangels are compleatly out for my ponytail.

 I grab my bangs and twist them in a sort of manner, then pull up the rest of my hair into a ponytail. I take one more lance at my outfit in the mirror and leave the bathroom. I grab my books and head off to my first day of hell, AKA high school. 


 People started to circle around me, getting closer and closer. "I know you're different." The platinum blonde said. "We know you're different, we all do." I back up into the wall. "What- what do you mean?" I stutter in fright. "You're one of us, don't you know?"

His British accent was strong. "I still don't understand what you're saying....." I pause, I don't know his name.  "Spike, the name's Spike. And what type of bloody hell do you call this?" He says, meaning the school.

"Anyways, you're one of us, you're  a vampire." I can't believe what he's saying. "No- no I'm not, those are just myths and I'd know if I was one." I say, hoping this is all a joke. "They all say it's a myth, because the people who know it's true aren't alive to tell you." He pauses, "They got killed by us."

I slowly go down and grab my books and say, "This can't be true." He smirks and replies, "Oh but it is darling." He looks down and back up to me and when he comes up, he has the face of a vampire. "I- I have to go, thanks for telling me." "Oh no need for thanks, Katherine."

I run out of the building, dodging everything in my way. I keep running and running, but not exactly sure where to. I have to get out of this town, I can't hurt anyone I know or care about. I have to leave and never come back. Luckily, I have the small, black box the stranger gave to me in my book bag.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2014 ⏰

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