Coffee & Dresses (part 1?)

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Walking your way through the crowd, you had woken up late from streaming your game. Your brain had forgotten that it was a Sunday night and you have class to attend to.

With a hurried state, your were rushing here and there. Your roommate had aid you since their class has been cancelled.

Lucky them.

And so, here you are, grumbling in your own world as you enter the cafe. The sweet aroma of coffee had wafted into your nostrils, giving you a sigh of relief. The staff greeted you with a smile and you greeted them back with your own.

You make your way to the cashier and ordered your usual. "Rough day?" One of the barista had noticed how disheveled you look like.

Nodding your head to reply to none other than to your best friend, Alex. "I regret for staying up on a Sunday night."

He raised an eyebrow to your sentence. "Isn't that normal to you? Procrastinating until the last minute?"

You eyed him. He simply gave you a shrug before heading back to his work, brewing your drink. He doesn't even lift his head up when he add whipped cream. He knows you too well.

As he finished the beverage, you were already at the pick up counter, waiting for said drink. "Here you go." He slides the beverage to your hands.

"Thanks, Mercer." You had caught it with ease. It was a normal routine for him whenever you would swing by.

"No problem but uh..." He searched his pockets for something. Taking his time, you glanced over your shoulder to see if your usual spot was up. To your delight, it did.

"This is for you." Alex had given you a piece of paper. You want to retort with a sarcastic tone but he went back to fulfil his job.

Taking a sip of your drink, you slowly approached your spot and sat down. The paper was still in your grasp. It was folded countless times due to the creasing it has.

So, you unfold the paper and it was writings on it. It said; There's this Gala Night at my uni and I'm wondering if you wanted to join me? We could do random shenanigans at the dance.

Both of you attend different universities but had met in the same high school. Your university haven't conduct a Gala Night. They were busy with the Open Day. His university, you haven't visited the place and what Dana had described, it sounded like it wanted to bested your university. Plus, its your chance to see how's the campus looks like and experience the Gala Night with him.

You turn the paper around and took out your pen, scribbling to write your answer. Satisfied with it, you packed up your stuff and made your way to the counter.

"Give this to Alex." The nearby barista took the paper and went to him. This took your cue to walk out of the cafe. You had to buy a dress today and you will definitely ask your roommate help for it.

As the door was closing, you could hear, "She said yes!"

In the cafe and the staff erupted into an applause and the customers who were unfazed about it, just congratulated someone.

You shake your head and proceed to took your phone out, telling your roommate the good news. Turns out that a bad day can become a great day.

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Part 2?
also, im back! I've been busy with other fandoms. So, forgive the late arrival.
cover has changed too

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