Study Date

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"Do you need help for getting that book?" asked Alex as he watched you struggling to get the reference book that was seated on the high shelf.

You were on your tippy toe, increasing your height by a mere centimetres. "No... I'm..." You huffed, using your right hand to reach out. "G-great!"

Alex let you be, he was amused on how you would climb the shelves than using a stool to help you. He glanced over his shoulder, the librarian was busy nagging another student so it was the window of opportunity for you to climb.

He raised his arms, clearly had made his point as you stumbled backwards, the book was in your grip while your feet gave it away.

"W-woah!" And suddenly you were in his arms. Alex had a smug grin. You would crossed your arms if it wasn't the book you're gripping tightly. Preparing for a pick up line from him and himself.

"Are you a book? If you were, I would take you with me." There it was. The pick up line and sometimes you wonder how did you get Alex as your boyfriend.

Maybe it was Dana.

"Now? In the library?" He nod his head. You let out a sighed. "Can you at least put me down?"

"Sure thing," He comply without tearing his gaze from you. You don't know what's his thinking and whatever it is, its not good.

Your shoes touched the wooden floor and you quickly make your way to the counter. Alex rolled his eyes as he followed you. He had picked up your bag while waiting for you at the counter. Once the librarian gave the green light, both of you exited the room and into the hallway.

"Now can you start studying?" Alex placed his arm around your shoulder. He learned that your Finals is coming up in a few days and his Finals are done.

"Yeah, yeah. We can start."

Alex chuckled. He gave your bag and you thanked him. "Just so you know, short people are closer to hell."

"Then it makes you my fallen Angel because you fall for me." You let out a groan.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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Alex Mercer x Reader [a book of Oneshots of You and Alex] Where stories live. Discover now