Short Break ft. Nap

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Laying down on the couch, you couldn't help but to give your arms a light stretch. Dana was with her laptop, typing away to help her brother Alex and also, your boyfriend.

You wondered how did the universe make it happen but, you were grateful of it. Dana told you that his previous ex-girlfriend was a total tool, using him and such. She hated her even though they dated before the Penn Station accident. She gave Karen a quote, "Angel on the Outside, Devil on the Inside."

After what Karen had done to him, Alex thought that he wouldn't trust women anymore until, he met you. You were different than her.

Adventurous, stubborn, sprinter and also, how you would run around with the Infected like it was a race. Somehow, the Infected would ignore you whenever you ran past by them. You had the virus within your body and it hasn't done anything to you or your form. It was dormant.

You let out a yawn and decided to have a short nap.

• • •

Alex had returned and entered the apartment from the door. As a normal person would, rather than barging in from the window. Dana greeted him with her usual words and (Name)... she was sleeping.

His eyes softened when they landed onto her figure. How he get a girl like her was questioning himself. Was it his personality? His form? So many things to ask her and the answer lies within her. He cautiously made his way to the couch before kneeling down.

He placed his arms underneath her knees and her shoulders. She was light due to his super strength from the virus. He carried her to their shared bed and gently lay her down.

With that, he sat next to her. He was entranced on how adorable you look when you're sleeping. Raising a hand, he brushed away the stray hair from her face. She was like an angel to him while he was a demon, a monster.

A freak.

How could anyone, such as herself, fall in love with him? He was cut out from his thought when she mumbled in her sleep.

This was a rare moment when Alex smiled. He softly lay next to her, his arms wrapped around her sleeping form while his head are rested on to the pillows.

(Name) was right, he really does need a break from all his mission.

Alex Mercer x Reader [a book of Oneshots of You and Alex] Where stories live. Discover now