Part 2 - Oh Wait! You're Serious?!?

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You woke up the next day looking around only to realise that you were still in the same house as the past 11 years. Was last night just a dream? But it all felt so real! You sat down on the edge of your bed with a sad look on your face when your stomach grumbled. You decided that now would be the time for breakfast. You wondered into the kitchen to see Jin making pancakes. Your eyes widened. So it wasn't a dream!

"Pancakes for breakfast Jinnie?" He asked.

"Yeah thanks but I'll be right back" you replied. You went into the living room to see everyone awake and laughing. Even Chloe, Amy and Mkayla! You ran to give Taehyung a hug who was already sat there open armed waiting for you.

"Morning sunshine" he said with a boxy smile. You smiled back at him.

"Jinnie never do that again" Chloe piped up.

"Why?" You asked.

"Because now you two are actually next to eachother I'm noticing more similarities. You have the exact same smile! It's creepy" She said and shivered.

"shut up!" You laughed. You saw Hoseok in the corner on his own, as if his morning wouldn't be fully complete without one thing, yet he seemed to not be able to put his finger on it. You walked over and sat down next to him.

"How come you aren't there having fun with everyone else?" You asked.

"Jinnie!" He said and tackled you to the floor in a hug.

"Hi!" you giggled at the easily pleased, excitable man. Neither of you took notice that things seemed different with everyone today. Taehyung sat by Jin watching you with a soft smile, Jungkook and Jimin sat seemingly as far away as possible and Suga and Namjoon slowly moving themselves towards each other. You loved being with Hoseok, when you were with him it felt like no one else was in the room. That was until you noticed a tear drop from Jungkook's face and frowned.

"I'll be right back" you said and gave Hoseok a pat on the shoulder. You walked over to Jungkook who was looking down at his hands, tears trickling down his face.

"Jungkook are you okay? What's wrong?" You asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it." He stated simply.

"Well that's tough we are gonna talk about whether you like it or not." You pulled him to his feet and dragged him out into the hall, ignoring the small mumble of 'damn kims...always so stubborn' that left his mouth. You both sat down on the stairs. "Now what happened? How come Jimin isn't helping?" You asked politely. That kinda struck a nerve in Jungkook as he began to cry even more. You hugged him.

"Jungkook I'm so sorry. It's him isn't it? What did he say?" You asked.

"H-he said th-that he d-didn't love me anymore and that I-I don't match his standards and I would never be enough for him! He called me pathetic!" He cried more and more.(JUST TO CLARIFY I KNOW OUR PARK JIMIN WOULD NEVER DO OR SAY ANYTHING LIKE HIS IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE. HE'S TOO SWEET!❤❤)

"Oh Kookie! I'm sorry, stay here I will be back in a minute" you explained. You walked into the lounge and flashed Hoseok a smile as you went and sat in front of Jimin, who was also crying.

"Why are you crying?" You whisper shouted "Do you have any idea of the damage you've done to that poor man? he's crying out there, it's your fault yet you're the one crying?" You pointed in Jungkook's direction. Jimin only cried more.

" I was forced into it by one of the girls here. She said she was the only one who should be with me. She said that if I didn't break up with Jungkook then she would harm him and everyone else who I love. I don't want that. Her to harm my Kookie or you or any of my hyungs and taetae! I don't! I never wanted for any of this to happen I love Jungkook with all my heart and more! I want him back!" 

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