Part 12 - planning

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A Few Months Later

The twins were quite happily crawling around the living room, playing with each other and their toys. Naeun crawled over to Hoseok.

"Appa! Up!" she smiled and Hoseok picked her up.

"You hungry?" He asked. Naeun nodded.

On the way back in Hoseok was grinning.

"You can do it!" he cheered. You watched as he came in, letting Naeun walk on her own, stood just behind her incase she fell. You quite literally jumped out of your seat and sat on the floor, holding your hands out, Naeun came into them laughing. You stood up and spun her around.

"You did it baby girl! Well done! I'm so proud of you!" you kissed her head and set her down. You went over to Jihyun who had a pout on his face.

"You will get it soon baby." you smiled and kissed his head too.

Naeun noticed the pout on her brother's face and pulled him up.

You rushed behind them as Naeun helped her brother walk. she slowly let go as Jihyun continued to walk. He fell and you caught him, standing him back up. He carried on walking slowly and Naeun attempted to run close to him, falling on her butt before getting back up and standing with Hoseok in front of Jihyun who toddled into his arms.

"Well done baby!" he screeched. Both babies were laughing and giggling with each other. You sat back at the table keeping a close eye on your kids who were now toddling to the back door.

"So baby" Hoseok began as e sat back at the table. "You thought of anyone to walk you down the aisle yet?" He asked.

"Yeah. I think I'm gonna have my brother do it" you smiled. Hoseok sighed.

"What. Is there something wrong with my brother doing that?" You questioned.

"No, beautiful. Not at all. I'm just thinking about how I'm probably going to buy safety gates before they figure out how to get up the stairs." He giggled a little.

"Hobie. Be happy! This means our babies are growing up and learning more" you smiled and caressed his cheek.

"Growing too fast." Hoseok grumbled. You checked on your children. Who were trying to figure out how to get to the small playground you had in the back garden.

"Come on Mr. Jung" you winked "let's take a break and get some fresh air with the kids, yeah?" You asked him and he nodded, snaking his hand around your waist as you walked over to your babies.

"Can they even be called babies anymore? They're walking?"

"What was that, Jinnie?"

"Oh nothing Hobie, just a thought." You smiled.

You were glad you had Hobie back in your life. You loved kissing him and holding his hand. You loved being able to fall asleep in his arms. You couldn't wait to marry him. And FINALLY have everything be picture perfect.

I suck at having longer chapters right now. I've just been tired so the most I have been able to do is edit previous works. Thank you to those of you that are still here. I will try and do better for you

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